Let's say your adjusted gross income is $100K, 7.5% of 100K is 7500.
If you pay your obamacare premium, anything over $7500 is deductible as medical expense in itemized deduction.
But sometimes you might not eligible for itemized deduction. Let's say your other deduction is only $20K, and the standard deduction for married couple is $27750, you are 7750 short from itemized deduction, so your health insurance premium has to be more than 7750+7500 = $15250 in order for you to start deduction.
目前纯粹的现金存款不多,早退休后必须卖一些股票才能过正常生活。问题是我那些股票一旦售出, capital gain 就算收入,退休后的收入(主要是股票分红以及售出股票获利的部分)超过400%联邦贫困线导致无法买Obamacare。
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推荐小孙班长今天晚上的免费讲座:退休前的医疗保险1, 2, 3。。。 - 螺丝螺帽发表于 跨国婚恋 - 论坛 | 文学城 (wenxuecity.com)
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Let's say your adjusted gross income is $100K, 7.5% of 100K is 7500.
If you pay your obamacare premium, anything over $7500 is deductible as medical expense in itemized deduction.
But sometimes you might not eligible for itemized deduction. Let's say your other deduction is only $20K, and the standard deduction for married couple is $27750, you are 7750 short from itemized deduction, so your health insurance premium has to be more than 7750+7500 = $15250 in order for you to start deduction.
O8Care 的目的,就是给商业保险订标准,必须保一系列项目,还不能exclude preexisting conditon。作为交换,O8Care要求所有成年人都要投保,否则每年罚NN元。所以大部分商业医保都是ACA compliant
see https://www.healthinsurance.org/glossary/aca-compliant-coverage/
当然,你可以买non ACA compliant insurance, see https://www.ahix.com/health-insurance/non-qualified-health-plans 但是这些plan主要是temporary health insurance,比如给访美人士的。
查查Long term capital gain rate 就知道了。
it is less than 20 K a year.
Few friends (they are all having their own business, self-employed) told me about this.
for a family of 4