不考虑其他因素若使正常退休年龄退休金与延迟退休盈亏相抵(break even),列方程3000 x 12 x Y = 3780 x 12 x (Y -3),解得Y = 14.5年,即正常退休年龄领取退休金至81岁时扯平。 67岁退休如健在10年持续领取退休金, 3000 x 12 x 10 = 360000元,70岁退休后7年为3780 x 12 x 7 = 317520,显然二者有较大的差别,即便没有考虑67岁退休后前3年退休金的利息收入,应该适时退休。 67岁退休若健在20年共领取3000 x 12 x 20 = 720000元,而延迟70岁则领取3780 x 12 x 17 = 771120元,似乎延迟退休有利。然3年间年退休金36000元或累计108000元。仅考虑这108000元投资债券股市,利率5%利滚利,19年累计总利息150000,67岁年龄退休20年共计870000元大大优于延迟退休,如果考虑延迟退休每月多出的780元在16年间按5%可能的利息收入93800元,计865120,仍以正常退休为佳。87岁应该算高龄了。 考虑股市债券获益67岁正常退休年龄领取退休金的成本也可以从另一角度理解。67岁退休后前3年间领取的退休金投资股市股息合计119000元,除了前三年利息,第四年纯利息收入近6000元,相当于在3000元月收入基础上增加了500元即3500元收入,这使得67岁与70岁领取退休金盈亏相抵扯平的年限大大增加。
Projections show that the trust fund will be empty by 2034. At that point, Social Security will have enough revenue to pay only 78% of benefits. And that is what we call the solvency crisis. It happened in 1977, and again in 1983, and each time legislators came together and fixed it. But Congress has been ignoring the problem since 1994, when the actuaries first identified it. The question remains: Will legislators ignore it for the next 12 years, or act sooner?
Q. What are some of the options for fixing the solvency problem?
Arnold: Since we have had two solvency crises in the past — 1977 and 1983 — let’s see how legislators fixed the problem then. The first time, they simply raised the payroll tax rate by 25% and the maximum taxable wage base by 68%. Six years later, they switched course. They effectively cut benefits by raising the full retirement age from 65 to 67, phasing it in over four decades. So, those are the two basic options: raise taxes or cut benefits.
提早退休:早拿退休金但退休金打折。此外若持续工作,收入超过一定限额退休金亦有折扣每两元扣一元,满67岁该年每三元扣一元至满67岁。 正常退休:可领全退休金,即便继续工作无折扣。 延迟退休:退休金每年8%累加。对于早退的弊端,上面说得很清楚。对延迟退休金累加是否有利,这里我们可以比较正常67岁与延迟70岁退休年龄持续收入年限,以及在67与70岁间隔期间全部退休金定投股市债券收益所带来的差异,来作适当选择。假定某人在67岁退休每月可领取3000退休金,或延迟退休每年以累加8%计至70岁开始领取3780,现在简单计算看不同预期寿命下领取退休金有何不同,计算中假定在正常退休年龄时领取的退休金前三年里退休金定投债券股市复利5%。
显然,一般情况下正常退休年龄领取退休金应该有优势,故打算适时领取退休金,继续上班或完全退休届时可以自由选择。继续工作Sam大叔的税收对收入有相当程度的影响,在67 -70岁三年间领取的退休金从税务上考虑,若假定税率28%还要扣除纳稅数额30000余元,若要继续工作,这是一个负面因素。
更多我的博客文章>>> 领取退休金早晚比较之我见 谈谈Medicare Part D及避免延期登记注册 介绍一个涉及金融证券业的网站 新冠病毒患疾记亊 从游戏到编程-破解超级马里奥世界
出乎意料,个人为自己买医疗保险很“便宜”,在我居住的州,有各种选择,我选了中等费用的。具体细节有点忘了,一开始每月付700不到一点,第二年700 出头一点,第三年满65周岁就申请政府保险。每年自付额大约是1200元,然后就不用再付了,copay很少,没有印象了,因为几乎不看医生。什么公司的保险?欧巴马care计划,低中高收入,收费不一样。
现在每月医疗保险付给政府,200 不到一点(我这人记不住精确数字),早退休自己买保险的时候,每月多花的不过“区区”500元,换来早退休。
Projections show that the trust fund will be empty by 2034. At that point, Social Security will have enough revenue to pay only 78% of benefits. And that is what we call the solvency crisis. It happened in 1977, and again in 1983, and each time legislators came together and fixed it. But Congress has been ignoring the problem since 1994, when the actuaries first identified it. The question remains: Will legislators ignore it for the next 12 years, or act sooner?
Q. What are some of the options for fixing the solvency problem?
Arnold: Since we have had two solvency crises in the past — 1977 and 1983 — let’s see how legislators fixed the problem then. The first time, they simply raised the payroll tax rate by 25% and the maximum taxable wage base by 68%. Six years later, they switched course. They effectively cut benefits by raising the full retirement age from 65 to 67, phasing it in over four decades. So, those are the two basic options: raise taxes or cut benefits.
你说,如果拿不到咋办?作为美国政府的承诺,这个是3rd rail,如果失效,很多假定都会不成立的,所以什么房子房租的也未必如想象中稳妥。
中国人如果不是很晚才出国的,60来岁的时候应该有相当数额的401k。怎么取省稅? 很多人上百万的401k怎么取不算清楚了,税上亏的钱会更多。
最直接的答案,就是退休却不取社保,而是用401k. 比如65岁或更早退休了,只用401K的钱,这样总收入没有加入社保,可以少交税。等到七十了,再去取社保,获得最大化的fixed income.