ISSUE: If an individual sells stock or securities for a loss and causes his or her individual retirement account or Roth IRA to purchase substantially identical stock or securities within 30 days before or after the sale, is the loss on the sale of the stock or securities disallowed?
HOLDING: The loss on the Sale of stock is disallowed under § 1091.
注意"substaitialy identical stock or securities",SPY/VOO/IVV先后买卖算不算wash sale,我认为是算的,就是如果证据拿到法庭里面,法庭肯定说是Wash Sale。关键是交易行报告不报告SPY/VOO/IVV是substiantially identical security从而激发wash sale disallowance,我也不知道。
提醒,IRS早在2008年就出台了这个规定:你在普通股票账户里面卖了一个亏损的股票,然后在30天内在你的退休账户里面买同一只股票,这个仍然是wash sale,你普通账户里面的股票亏损不被IRS承认,亏损不能冲销你其他增值税。
ISSUE: If an individual sells stock or securities for a loss and causes his or her individual retirement account or Roth IRA to purchase substantially identical stock or securities within 30 days before or after the sale, is the loss on the sale of the stock or securities disallowed?
HOLDING: The loss on the Sale of stock is disallowed under § 1091.
注意"substaitialy identical stock or securities",SPY/VOO/IVV先后买卖算不算wash sale,我认为是算的,就是如果证据拿到法庭里面,法庭肯定说是Wash Sale。关键是交易行报告不报告SPY/VOO/IVV是substiantially identical security从而激发wash sale disallowance,我也不知道。
如果你买卖同一个ticker symbol,你的交易行马上表明有Wash sale, 哪怕在不同的账户里面。
但是你买卖SPY/VOO/IVV,即使理论上算wash sale,因为他们是substantial identical security(see IRS notice in original post) ,交易行需要先把这些ticker归列为"substantial identical security", 我不知道有没有交易行这么做。
交易行年底发税表的时候,如果不把卖SPY和买VOO的交易联系起来,那么IRS也不会知道这些实际上是wash sale。
我自己管的账户,买卖同一公司的共同基金,虽然不是针对同一口径的市场也算我Wash Sale。
而Schwab帮我管的账户,tax loss harvesting就是在不同公司的S&P之流的转悠(但没有用这些烂大街的ETF,估计是因为目标有点儿大)还特地打电话去问,被告知一定要转到不同公司的ETF。
很多day trader不懂,天天surf TSLA,结果年底赚了十万,却要交20万的税,就是因为Wash Sale。