Best month to apply is Jan. between FRA (67) and 70
otherwise you may lose upto 11 months of delayed credit of the first year as the delayed credit will apply only starting in Jan. of next year (paid in Feb.), with exception of applying at 70 (you get the full delayed credit starting the first month).
你也许失去 $1 in benefits for every $2 earned over the cap
If you are receiving benefits and working in 2023 but not due to hit FRA until a later year, the earnings limit is $21,240. You lose $1 in benefits for every $2 earned over the cap. So, if you have a part-time job that pays $30,000 a year — $8,760 over the limit — Social Security will deduct $4,380 in benefits.
看到群里说要早领,为啥呀?不是说到70 会领的多吗?
明白啦。就是从长寿角度看。但如果还工作就不能领了,对吧?而且我听说70岁是30% above regular pay.
otherwise you may lose upto 11 months of delayed credit of the first year as the delayed credit will apply only starting in Jan. of next year (paid in Feb.), with exception of applying at 70 (you get the full delayed credit starting the first month).
或者被人(包括自己的后代)骗的risk, 这时候ssn是最安全的来源。所以何时拿ssn除了break even的时机,也要考虑到资产的安全性。
If you are receiving benefits and working in 2023 but not due to hit FRA until a later year, the earnings limit is $21,240. You lose $1 in benefits for every $2 earned over the cap. So, if you have a part-time job that pays $30,000 a year — $8,760 over the limit — Social Security will deduct $4,380 in benefits.
You don't lose the money. The money will be hold in ssn account and you will get them back when you reach to 67.