In total, the volume of American deliveries amounted to about 11 billion US dollars. According to the law on lend-lease, it was necessary to pay only for what survived during the war. Negotiations on the final amount of the payment began in 1948.
Negotiations between the USSR and the USA regarding Lend-Lease debt took place in several rounds. The Americans put up a debt of 2.7 billion dollars. During negotiations in 1948, the Soviet representatives agreed to pay only a small amount. Naturally, this caused a refusal from the Americans. In 1949, negotiations also came to nothing. In 1951, the US government twice reduced the debt to $800 million, but the USSR agreed to pay only $300 .
Only by 1972 did the US and the USSR reach an agreement on the payment of debts. According to the document, the USSR undertook to pay $722 million by 2001, including interest. In 1973, the USSR made payments in the amount of 48 million dollars, but the payment of the debt was suspended due to unfavorable trade measures for the USSR (the Jackson-Vanik amendment). Only in 1990 did the parties again return to the discussion of debt. They set a new Lend-Lease maturity date of 2030 and a final amount of $674 million
After the collapse of the USSR, the lend-lease debt was reissued to Boris Yeltsin. Thus, out of a total supply of $11 billion, the USSR (later the Russian Federation) undertook to pay $722 million, i.e. 7% of the $11 billion supply.
富兰克林·罗斯福 (Franklin D. Roosevelt) 1941 年最初的租借计划,该计划武装了苏联,最终帮助击败了纳粹德国。
在第二次世界大战期间,Lend-Lease 提供了超过 500 亿美元(今天接近 7000 亿美元)的物资,为盟军的胜利提供了动力。
而败登的乌克兰的租借计划于2022年5月以压倒性的两党支持、417 票赞成、仅 10 票反对在众议院获得通过,当时美国两党都强烈支持乌克兰抵御俄罗斯的侵略。
2022 年版本旨在通过授权拜登总统向乌克兰运送武器来提供相同的支持,而无需国会立即对每次转让采取行动。然而,尽管承诺,《乌克兰租借法案》从未被使用,并于 2023 年 9 月 30 日悄然到期。
In total, the volume of American deliveries amounted to about 11 billion US dollars. According to the law on lend-lease, it was necessary to pay only for what survived during the war. Negotiations on the final amount of the payment began in 1948.
Negotiations between the USSR and the USA regarding Lend-Lease debt took place in several rounds. The Americans put up a debt of 2.7 billion dollars. During negotiations in 1948, the Soviet representatives agreed to pay only a small amount. Naturally, this caused a refusal from the Americans. In 1949, negotiations also came to nothing. In 1951, the US government twice reduced the debt to $800 million, but the USSR agreed to pay only $300 .
Only by 1972 did the US and the USSR reach an agreement on the payment of debts. According to the document, the USSR undertook to pay $722 million by 2001, including interest. In 1973, the USSR made payments in the amount of 48 million dollars, but the payment of the debt was suspended due to unfavorable trade measures for the USSR (the Jackson-Vanik amendment). Only in 1990 did the parties again return to the discussion of debt. They set a new Lend-Lease maturity date of 2030 and a final amount of $674 million
After the collapse of the USSR, the lend-lease debt was reissued to Boris Yeltsin. Thus, out of a total supply of $11 billion, the USSR (later the Russian Federation) undertook to pay $722 million, i.e. 7% of the $11 billion supply.
行了再下场 。