由于和HOA在浴室下水道漏水的责任问题上有分歧,一直没付维修费($2960) 给HOA。现在收到HOA起诉我的文件,要求法院判决 1)收走我的房子, 2) 要我承担未付的 common expenses in the sum of $5200.30 (起诉方没有交代这个数字是如何来的), plus any and all assessments等等。 现在想请教坛里的行家如何应对这样的情况。
事情起因是我的租客 (在三楼)用浴缸时,一楼的浴室漏水。检查发现漏水是由于一段腐蚀了的水管引起的。从我浴缸出来的下水管就接到这段腐蚀了的水管。 根据我们公寓的Rules and Regulations, 这段腐蚀了的水管属于common elements. 公寓的Declaration and By-law 明定HOA负责common elements的保养,修理及替换。HOA要我付维修费用时没有引用任何条款,只说是我的责任。我提出听证或仲裁也被拒绝。这事情就这样从二月份持续到现在。
1.01 The term “common elements” is defined in the Illinois Condominium Property Act as all portions of the property (except the units) including the limited common elements. For purpose of clarity, it should be understood that the following areas are considered to be part of the common elements: a) Halls, stairways, hall and laundry room windows and fire equipment b) Building roofs c) Driveways and parking lots d) Lawn and landscaped areas e) Exterior elevations of the buildings f) Cable wiring and coverings, electrical wiring, water and sewer pipes between the walls and common element smoke detectors g) Balconies and patios (limited common elements) h) Laundry rooms and laundry equipment
由于和HOA在浴室下水道漏水的责任问题上有分歧,一直没付维修费($2960) 给HOA。现在收到HOA起诉我的文件,要求法院判决 1)收走我的房子, 2) 要我承担未付的 common expenses in the sum of $5200.30 (起诉方没有交代这个数字是如何来的), plus any and all assessments等等。 现在想请教坛里的行家如何应对这样的情况。
事情起因是我的租客 (在三楼)用浴缸时,一楼的浴室漏水。检查发现漏水是由于一段腐蚀了的水管引起的。从我浴缸出来的下水管就接到这段腐蚀了的水管。 根据我们公寓的Rules and Regulations, 这段腐蚀了的水管属于common elements. 公寓的Declaration and By-law 明定HOA负责common elements的保养,修理及替换。HOA要我付维修费用时没有引用任何条款,只说是我的责任。我提出听证或仲裁也被拒绝。这事情就这样从二月份持续到现在。
坛里有谁遇到过类似情况吗?能否分享一下经验教训?联系了好几个律师,都不愿意接我的案子,不知何故. 没有律师,自己出庭,有胜算吗?如果法官判HOA收我的房子,是否交了HOA要的钱就可以把房子拿回来?谢谢。
HOA is good only when it is not coming after you.
All my houses don't have HOA.
The term “common elements” is defined in the Illinois Condominium Property Act as all
portions of the property (except the units) including the limited common elements. For
purpose of clarity, it should be understood that the following areas are considered to be
part of the common elements:
a) Halls, stairways, hall and laundry room windows and fire equipment
b) Building roofs
c) Driveways and parking lots
d) Lawn and landscaped areas
e) Exterior elevations of the buildings
f) Cable wiring and coverings, electrical wiring, water and sewer pipes between the
and common element smoke detectors
g) Balconies and patios (limited common elements)
h) Laundry rooms and laundry equipment
其中的f)说的很清楚,墙之间的管线都属于common elements。 那段腐蚀的管子在我的楼层下面,墙中间,所以我认为是common elements。
利息和罚款,HOA 应该是可以给打折的,协调个最好的价钱,交钱,搞定。这点儿钱还不够给律师塞牙缝呢。
先看看HOA 里面几个成员的态度, 再咨询一下子律师,看看有没有胜算。HOA就是一个气势凶, 拿着别人的钱打官司,不计较输赢, 其实也不见得有理。
仔细看master deed,有关于单元的分界位置的定义,如,是否你的原始地面以下,属于公共;也有的定义,只要这个管道是专门某个单元使用,也是单元负责;关键看master deed;如果这些都对你有利,你不会输;另外,上庭之前,一般会有最后一次调解,你摆出道理,对方也可能接受。