Ask the HVAC tech. I believe the used refrigerant (R-410A?)
can be re-used. The tech can recover the refrigerant from the system, add back the accumulator (critical for high pressure system), pressure test the system for leak detection, then evacuate -pressure hold, add back the used refrigerant, test the system for normal operation (high and low pressures, subcooling temp per spec). This may take several hours. The old accumulator may be irreparable (the HVAC tech can tell you) and thus a new accumulator is needed for replacement.
请教一下空调问题,昨天我一个出租房的空调坏了,结果查出来是在Accumulator 上面接铜管子的地方漏Freon, 请了一个人去看,他建议bypass Accumulator,说不影响工作,因为天气太热,我当时为了尽快修好,同意他的建议,所以他把accumulator拆掉了。
后来查了Google, 发现这个Accumulator 还是蛮重要的,尤其对Heat pump.
现在怎么办?怎么跟他交涉? 我还没有付钱。估计等一下他的账单就来了
你得根据自己机器的情况。你这个是普通空调还是heat pump?
当时的情况,大多是要是换accumulator,需要等零件,当时修不了。他看你急,所以建议bypass accumulator。你不要怪人家建议一个坏主意。
Does it depends heat pump or straight cool?
over $1000.
$80 per lb, 15 lb in my AC
We need to vaccuum again when adding the accumulator back, I'm not sure if we can reuse the Freon.
and don't need to change the Freon again
can be re-used. The tech can recover the refrigerant from the system, add back the accumulator (critical for high pressure system), pressure test the system for leak detection, then evacuate -pressure hold, add back the used refrigerant, test the system for normal operation (high and low pressures, subcooling temp per spec). This may take several hours. The old accumulator may be irreparable (the HVAC tech can tell you) and thus a new accumulator is needed for replacement.
pressure heat pump?
then evacuate -pressure hold, add back the used refrigerant,
why Pressure Hold? after evacuate.
Thank you.