DD, from a liability point of view, I never put both of our names (husband and me) on the title. If something went wrong, such as lawsuits, they can only go after one person. This will avoid the risk of losing all the household assets. Just my 2 cents.
I have never heard such legal advice (I am also investing in PA ) but it is good to know. The challenge is how to prove you are the ONLY one who manages the property unless there is an agreement between you and hubby to specify the responsibilities. This can be done in the ownership LLC's operating agreement and keeping good tenant communication records. Another idea could be to set up an LLC owned by you solely (no hubby) and to sign a management agreement between ownership and management LLC.
的政策是Director needs to provide personal guarantee for buy to let mortgages under the limited company name. 你老公 risk avserve, 当然不喜欢给公司贷款提供personal guarantee. 不加他的名字,房子债务和他彻底没关系,只管花钱就是了
2)天天看脸色的日子,虽然把事情办成了,但是也是UNNECESSARY STRESS/BURDON呀。天天工作,TF,带孩子做饭,已经够累了。还要照顾不干活只会抱怨的人的心情。有时候也是够够的。
3)看的的成功。。首先,你看到的成功和他看到的两码事。比如,我空手套白狼弄了几套房子。我看到的PORTFOLIO增加了,equity build。 他看到的就是我家银行账户总是空的。他看到的是,又多了几个房子,万一租不出去怎么办。。。。视角不一样,没办法。要是OPEN MINDED,可以换个角度看问题。要是固执己见的,那不是过不下去。换个视角看问题,说的是一心向前赶的女地主,也是固执的老公们。。他看到的那些risk也是很VALID的。
我对这个话题比较敏感。因为感同身受。但是还在耐性work it out.并且,通过几年的努力。我老公已经慢慢接受。即便是这样,这个心路历程,想想还是很累的。
DD, from a liability point of view, I never put both of our names (husband and me) on the title. If something went wrong, such as lawsuits, they can only go after one person. This will avoid the risk of losing all the household assets. Just my 2 cents.
现在的房子是在LLC名下,我老公是LLC owner。
I have never heard such legal advice (I am also investing in PA ) but it is good to know. The challenge is how to prove you are the ONLY one who manages the property unless there is an agreement between you and hubby to specify the responsibilities. This can be done in the ownership LLC's operating agreement and keeping good tenant communication records. Another idea could be to set up an LLC owned by you solely (no hubby) and to sign a management agreement between ownership and management LLC.
的政策是Director needs to provide personal guarantee for buy to let mortgages under the limited company name. 你老公 risk avserve, 当然不喜欢给公司贷款提供personal guarantee. 不加他的名字,房子债务和他彻底没关系,只管花钱就是了
自己变得更强大,拿钱砸他。比如给他四分之一net cash flow私房钱,他应该开心。亲妈也不过如此