Few people can live to 65 when this was established
So the premise is most people shouldn't be able to use this money. So there will not be a severe deficit or payment crisis for SSN. Now, it applies to elder people today too because there should be a signifcant portion of people live short of getting the benefits. It could be you or me, but it's totally fine. If you can work till 70 and get full benefits, it's a better deal for you because there's no discount for you. If you grab the money earlier, say at 62, and continue to live but not get the full benefits, it's your own loss. For years after early retirement you won't have enough to cover your living costs. On the other hand, when you work, you don't need this additional money for living. Not drawing SSN early is like saving for the future when you are completely retired and not being able to earn salary. The additional $3000 would be a good dispensible income for you.
What if you die before retirement? If you happen to die before you reach the age 70 and not yet retired, there's no detrimental effects to you either. Dead people don't need to get paid. You've helped the country to save money for the people that may need it.
在美国,1960年以后出生的,到67岁才是正式的退休年龄,除了有缴纳FICA的税金外,工作时间必须有10年或40点数才有资格申请社安(Social Security)退休金。有些民众,因为某些原因象身体状况或是家族平均离世较早等,想提前到62岁就退休,离67岁还有5年,那每月金额差别多少呢?申报退休后每月一旦领取社安退休金,其金额是固定一辈子的,但生活指数上涨(Cost of Living)有可能会增加金额。提前在62岁退休社安退休金会减少30%,也就是说只可以拿到70%的正常退休金额,63岁退休可以拿到75%,逐年增加,到了65岁的时候,大致拿到86.7%,到了66岁的话,可以拿到93%。民众除早退休的,也有想延迟退休的,原因包括财务压力,在做生意等,也许就是喜欢工作,比如说68岁退休,可以多拿8%的退休金,如果是69岁退休,可以多拿16%,70岁退休,可以多拿到24%,但是过了70岁以后就没有任何的增加了,所以建议,领取社安退休金不要超过70岁。 有些民众62岁提前退休后,在外边又找了一份轻松且喜欢的工作,象做Uber driver,合约工,或是自己做生意,如果到了67岁,任何多赚的钱都不会影响你的社会安全基金的。可是在67岁前,政府就有一个罚款规定,比如在2023年,如果62 岁至66 岁之间退休了又去工作的话,多余的收入超过本年$21,240的限制,每两块收入要交出一块钱罚款给政府,比如退休金每月是$1,000,一年是$12000,但是2023年工作赚了$31,240,比2023年所规定最低的$21,240多了$10000,这$10000要还给政府是$5000,所以整个一年的Social Security就要扣掉$5000的罚款,只能拿到$7000。如果到了退休年龄,还差几个月的话,政府就稍微宽松一点,用$56,520来算,而且如果超过这个数字的话,赚的钱每三块拿出一块钱交政府,一直到你满67岁,如果没有到67岁这个年龄,只要有工作收入包括Paid Vacation或者是各种佣金通通都算到收入。当然有些例外,比如说原工作单位的退休金、正常银行的利息、投资出租房所赚,或者在政府工作福利包括退伍军人福利或在政府工作的任何津贴,都不会算入工作收入的。 (根据保险经纪的邮件整理)
更多我的博客文章>>> 简述不同年龄领社安退休金的优劣 我的信用分数是满分900 罢免屋主协会主席的经历 投资房地产什么时候都不晚 看急诊经历及收费
我们家在不拿的时候, 转了好多去roth。
就是这几年交的税, 比我上班工资还多, 肉痛
So the premise is most people shouldn't be able to use this money. So there will not be a severe deficit or payment crisis for SSN. Now, it applies to elder people today too because there should be a signifcant portion of people live short of getting the benefits. It could be you or me, but it's totally fine. If you can work till 70 and get full benefits, it's a better deal for you because there's no discount for you. If you grab the money earlier, say at 62, and continue to live but not get the full benefits, it's your own loss. For years after early retirement you won't have enough to cover your living costs. On the other hand, when you work, you don't need this additional money for living. Not drawing SSN early is like saving for the future when you are completely retired and not being able to earn salary. The additional $3000 would be a good dispensible income for you.
What if you die before retirement? If you happen to die before you reach the age 70 and not yet retired, there's no detrimental effects to you either. Dead people don't need to get paid. You've helped the country to save money for the people that may need it.