United States Liability Insurance Company - A member of the
A member of the Berkshire Hathaway family of companies, United States Liability Insurance Group is an A++ rated company that supports its products with financial strength and stability.
Umbrella insurance refers to liability insurance that is in
Umbrella insurance refers to liability insurance that is in excess of specified other policies and also potentially primary insurance for losses not covered by the other policies
A member of the Berkshire Hathaway family of companies, United States Liability Insurance Group is an A++ rated company that supports its products with financial strength and stability.
我以前的保险公司只保一自住加另外四房。我都只放1+4房在上面。后来公司发现我有more than 5 houses, 拒保,后来还专门写一个note, only cover primary car and cars. 现在换了,要八佰多一米,只保三车四房
当时2M 1500多。
今年年初的时候, 我做了调整,用 State Farm 分成了个人伞险和商业伞险: 个人伞险2M约300;商业伞险2M约600, 但每个出租房的liability 必须要高于50万。
我以前的保险公司只保一自住加另外四房。我都只放1+4房在上面。后来公司发现我有more than 5 houses, 拒保,后来还专门写一个note, only cover primary car and cars. 现在换了,要八佰多一米,只保三车四房
分开后2M 加起来不应该超过1000.
更重要的是方便未来规模化。个人伞险不仅对单元个数有限制。增加相同单元数目商险也比个人伞险要便宜, 增加伞险保额商险都要便宜。
这个他老人家念叨有很多遍了,只是他的房产都在同一个地方,情况比我要简单些。你的房产好像也都是在同一州, 跟他类似。
我所有的房子都不在state farm。他们的房险太贵。
Umbrella insurance refers to liability insurance that is in excess of specified other policies and also potentially primary insurance for losses not covered by the other policies