2. a couple of slate tiles, material + labor 350. 3. put a patch over that spot, tar before and after. M+L 150 (hope this guy has some leftover small rubbertized roofing pieces so he won't charge you a whole roll..) 4.termite: if there is no water source, you should not worry about termites. 5. some patching job, 100 6. paint over, 100. 7. scrape and paint, use drylock 150 8. better get the pro, 3000. 9. no issue, 50. 10. paint wall, counter, change to darker floor. 1000. 11.scrape mud paint, regrout. replace that $20 light.... better change faucet and shower hardware as well 1000 12. repoint, 50 13. replace with pex, 1200 permit included. 14. no issue, 150 17,18, some patching job. 50.
and you need a good paint job all over. Say 3 grands..
total: under 8k. By doing so you should immediately increase market value by 10 or 20 %.
it alway comes back to you...
2. a couple of slate tiles, material + labor 350.
3. put a patch over that spot, tar before and after. M+L 150 (hope this guy has some leftover small rubbertized roofing pieces so he won't charge you a whole roll..)
4.termite: if there is no water source, you should not worry about termites.
5. some patching job, 100
6. paint over, 100.
7. scrape and paint, use drylock 150
8. better get the pro, 3000.
9. no issue, 50.
10. paint wall, counter, change to darker floor. 1000.
11.scrape mud paint, regrout. replace that $20 light.... better change faucet and shower hardware as well 1000
12. repoint, 50
13. replace with pex, 1200 permit included.
14. no issue, 150
17,18, some patching job. 50.
and you need a good paint job all over. Say 3 grands..
total: under 8k. By doing so you should immediately increase market value by 10 or 20 %.
I guess I spent 1000 for lumber, 600 for roofing(600 sqf roof area). nails cost extra.. labor is free hahahaha..
I would not be surprised if someone charges you 20k in NY...
FAR = 0.75 + 20% attic allowance
Lot Coverage = 45%
Parking: 1/unit
Dwelling Unit = 870 sqft
还有 attic 超过5尺高的部分要算到FAR里。
比如说 lot 的面积为 30' × 100', NYC的 房子在R4 Zone里的面积不能超过 30×100×0.75=2,250平方尺。
+ automatic fire sprinkler system