"Title that is free from reasonable doubt or any sort of threat of litigation. An implied promise in a contract when a seller is selling land to a buyer is that the seller will deliver marketable title to the buyer at the date of the closing."
Now your seller has a new buyer, I assume they want to close as scheduled. They cannot close as scheduled if you file a lawsuit alleging home purchase contract dispute because now the title is no longer "marketable".
Find a litigation lawyer and pay him to write seller a letter. It usually works.
我买房付了earnest money,然后在home insepction contingency period里面发现有房顶漏水等问题而且卖家承认之前漏过水但没有写在disclosure里面,卖家都不肯修给了很少的钱于是我们达不成agreement,我就在这个period根据合同提出取消合同并要求返回earnest money.但卖家迟迟不肯签cancellation and earnest money letter. earnest money在我的closing attorney的escrow account里,律师说需要卖家签字他才能release.现在卖家都已经找到新买家好像已经又under contract.但还没有签cancellation and earnest money letter。 我想求助下,这种情况我该怎么办,真心谢谢大家!
A seller has to provide "marketable title" to a buyer.
"Title that is free from reasonable doubt or any sort of threat of litigation. An implied promise in a contract when a seller is selling land to a buyer is that the seller will deliver marketable title to the buyer at the date of the closing."
Now your seller has a new buyer, I assume they want to close as scheduled. They cannot close as scheduled if you file a lawsuit alleging home purchase contract dispute because now the title is no longer "marketable".
Find a litigation lawyer and pay him to write seller a letter. It usually works.
太谢谢!希望能有办法放到title上阻止卖家卖给新买家。那我closing attorney是real estate lawyer但好像只做closing,是有专门打这种官司的律师是吗?
closing attroney is doing tranasction, not litigation. 找一个真正打官司的律师,real estate litigation attorney, 让他写一个cease and detest letter,告诉他们如果一周内不release escrow,会马上起诉,并且警告一旦起诉他们的新买卖就会黄。
也许你们当地法律不一样,我们这里,应该是卖家更加着急,买家如果不签release,对方没有办法卖房子的。作为卖家,最着急的是早点卖掉,他如果敢扣押金,对方就不签release, 耗着,看谁耗得起。买家最多推迟一些时间,卖家却错过season.
比如说这个新交易又黄了,他们多付了两个月的利息。等第三个交易结束后,他们 可能再回来和楼主说,你不能拿全款,你需要陪我两个月利息。