Eminent domain valuation has several approaches. For primary residence it could be market comp, but for business property it could be income based calculation. Because your property is currently for rent, you might get higher valuation using business income formula, and your tenant might get relocation expense covered.
I suggest you engage a eminent domain specialist lawyer.
3月份CLOSE 一个房子,装修花了近三个月。新的租户刚搬进去1周。今天晚饭后散步的时候,收到租客的短信。说有人告诉他们尽快搬家,越快越好,没有留什么文书之类的,只留下一个电话号码。我们刚开始以为是骗子。上网一查这个电话号码,还真是有这个项目(高速公路扩建)。问朋友,说这个项目(高速公路扩建)计划了20几年了。明天准备去他们的办公室(网上查到的,项目办公室)去问一下具体的情况。第一次遇到这样的事情,请问这个大概按照什么标准估价赔偿?看了一下zillow 和 redefin 都挺低的。我们重新换了屋顶,地板,外面的车库棚子,刷漆等等。这种情况需要请律师吗?谢谢大家。
Eminent domain valuation has several approaches. For primary residence it could be market comp, but for business property it could be income based calculation. Because your property is currently for rent, you might get higher valuation using business income formula, and your tenant might get relocation expense covered.
I suggest you engage a eminent domain specialist lawyer.