我在南加州, 房客一个半月前搬家去德州。 今天来了电邮带照片,说他的新卡车在搬家前在我的出租车道上被风刮下的树枝落下受损。 照片是我的出租房车道, 树枝不大,车的损伤也不大。但是我无法确定就是那个树枝损伤了他的车。不知道我的租房保险能不能保。 我是否可以不理他,让他告我到法庭让法庭去判。 预先谢谢大家能给个回应。Hz5888.
Their properties
You have no control over how your tree fall if you have no knoweldge of the tree branch might fall.
If he kept complaining to you that tree branch might fall on his car, then the tree branch fell on his car, then you are liable.
If nobody knew the tree branch might fall, and it falls, it is Act of God. It's the same as hail damage, snow damage etc, nobody is responsible.
谢谢大家的回复,尤其是柠檬的祥细解释。回守月,那颗树很健康,我两年前修剪过。 我可以把房客发给我的照片复上。感觉他就想赖我一把,我想我就不理他了。他现在在德州,要告我他要来加州。我就等他来告了。
我在南加州, 房客一个半月前搬家去德州。 今天来了电邮带照片,说他的新卡车在搬家前在我的出租车道上被风刮下的树枝落下受损。 照片是我的出租房车道, 树枝不大,车的损伤也不大。但是我无法确定就是那个树枝损伤了他的车。不知道我的租房保险能不能保。 我是否可以不理他,让他告我到法庭让法庭去判。 预先谢谢大家能给个回应。Hz5888.
Their properties
You have no control over how your tree fall if you have no knoweldge of the tree branch might fall.
If he kept complaining to you that tree branch might fall on his car, then the tree branch fell on his car, then you are liable.
If nobody knew the tree branch might fall, and it falls, it is Act of God. It's the same as hail damage, snow damage etc, nobody is responsible.
谢谢大家的回复,尤其是柠檬的祥细解释。回守月,那颗树很健康,我两年前修剪过。 我可以把房客发给我的照片复上。感觉他就想赖我一把,我想我就不理他了。他现在在德州,要告我他要来加州。我就等他来告了。