The rotating nature make the cost higher on up market
You trade upside of nasdaq 100 for income, but accumulate higher cost base of underlying stocks at same time, which in turn create higher down side risk. You kind of take high risk but limit your upside.
"Hisk risk income" does not seem to be a good value proposation
我要把我帐号里的银行换掉,就这么点事,我填了它的 Requst form , 加上了新的银行,
手签了字,用邮寄给了他们, 不放心还在帐号里发了两次 email ,都没回音, 打电话那是难得很,
根本就没有一个Key是“ Customer service or Rep", 我只好假装我的帐号被Lock住了 , 从那里进去,
但也是没有任何时限的等待, 或让你留言。比一般银行,投资公司,信用卡难多了。
要把一个已经设立好的financial account中的identity (银行账户是identity 一部分)换掉,可能做不到,除非有专门的程序和手续及资料
3000,拿了100 红利
不涨不跌, may do ok.
good entry point
strategy. Do you believe NASDAQ 100 would 清零?:)
You trade upside of nasdaq 100 for income, but accumulate higher cost base of underlying stocks at same time, which in turn create higher down side risk. You kind of take high risk but limit your upside.
"Hisk risk income" does not seem to be a good value proposation
The most concern ibond buyer is usually safty. It usually come from CD/cash type of asset, then some income, such as now.
If you are willing to take higher risk, why not try to get high return too. Usally safty comes first for income buyer?
only suitable for people trying to save for a small amount of reserve. It's not for investment.
Besides, it's not as convenient as CD/cash positions.
the yield would be good enough to compensate the higher cost. I'm trying to accumulate 10% of my total into it.
哪有闲工夫人工管理小账户?我从九十年代起就用TreasuryDirect(那是还是电话线modem),从来没用他们的customer service。换了几次银行连接账户,怎么换的也记不清了,反正都是internet online,很容易就是了。
checking account 我本来想关掉的。因为了它就不许关。
我就算可以自己把银行关掉,在没有办好新的前, 这个帐号就什么也不能买。
悉, 就象刚刚那位问你, 就怕是分红分不到那么多,本金里掉了很多, 有这种可能吗?