Postdoctors, Researchers, Scientists and Investors

楼主 (文学城)

Postdoctors, Researchers, Scientists and Investors


[1]. My personal experience

After PhD graduation, I was a postdoc for three years, then started working in a research institute.  After a couple of years, I got my first major grant.  Then my second grant.  Then my third grant.  After a few years, a university contacted me and recruited me.  Because they liked me, they offered me associate professor with tenure.  After three years, I got a few more grants, and was promoted to full professor.  Luckily, I did not have to go through the tenure-track assistant professor trial, which is highly competitive and quite brutal.

[2]. My suggestions to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers

When you select a supervisor or a boss, ask three important questions: (1) Is the major or the field promising and growing with a lot of opportunities?  Identify an important trend and attach yourself to it, because the trend is your friend.  (2) Is the supervisor/boss a good mentor and willing to teach and nurture the students?  (3) Does the mentor help the students to find a good job and help lifting them to the next level?  Ask current students and postdoctors.  Ask former students and post doctors.  Most people pay attention to only 1.  They neglect 2 and 3.  However, 2 and 3 are equally important.  It will hurt you and damage your career if your advisor is mean, selfish and unwilling to help.

[3]. Mind your own business

Whether you are a postdoctor, scientist, or professor, it is beneficial to learn to invest.  If you like real estate, then learn about it.  Mind your own real estate business. 

My wife and I worked hard for almost two decades and accumulated a net worth of only $0.8 million.  Then in 2011 we started real estate investing on the side.  In nine years, our family net worth grew to almost $7 million.  Investing made a big difference.

[4]. Postdoctors, researchers and scientists are usually highly educated but lowly paid

The world is unfair.  The income system is unfair.  A good teacher is rewarded with thank-you notes.  A soldier lost a leg and saved other soldiers, and he is rewarded with a medal.  Postdoctors are highly educated with decades of diligent learning.  They work days and nights and weekends.  However, their salaries are very low.  In contrast, some investors get rewarded with millions and billions.

To make it more fair for yourself and your family, to level the playing field, you need to learn to invest.

[5]. Use other people’s money, time and talents


Postdoctors, researchers and scientists work very hard.  Their time is very tight.  Worries about not having enough time to invest?  I use other people and pay them well, so that I spend only about three hours per week on real estate, in average.  I have a busy job and I work diligently to accomplish my duties, to teach and help students and postdoctors to grow.  Therefore, in investing, it is important to rely on the professionals, and use other people’s money, other people’s time and other people’s talents.  They have skills, experience and expertise that I do not have.  Yes you have to pay them, but them also help you grow a bigger pie.

Good luck.

By David Meng, author of book “The Intelligent Small Investor”



This is from my book:  

Chapter 1.  Introduction



Now, one thing I tell everyone is learn about real estate. Repeat after me: real estate provides the highest returns, the greatest values and the least risk.

-- Armstrong Williams, entrepreneur



In June and July of 2010, my 15-year old daughter became sick and was in and out of the hospital for two weeks. We later learned that she had appendicitis, but she was initially misdiagnosed by the doctors, who told us that she probably ate something bad and would recover soon.

After two weeks, her condition suddenly worsened and she was sent to the emergency room in the middle of the night. She was hospitalized for three weeks from a ruptured appendix. The rupture created a life-threatening infection of her abdomen.

Heavy antibiotics administered over two weeks failed to lower her temperature to normal. Finally, the doctors performed two procedures which successfully fought back the infection, and she gradually recovered. My wife and I stayed in the hospital with her every day for 21 days, during which my daughter lost more than 10 pounds and I lost 6 (and I had only 112 pounds to start with!).

It was during those heavy-hearted days that I realized I needed to do something for the family financially. Prior to that, as a scientist, I had focused only on my research and writing papers, and had not paid much attention to money. It dawned on me that if one of our children suddenly fell ill and became a long-term patient, my wife or I might have to quit our job to care for the patient. And if either one of us became a long-term patient ourselves, not only would the sick one be unable to work, but the other would have to compromise his/her job to take care of the spouse. Either scenario would mean a substantial reduction in income that would jeopardize the family finances.

The days with my daughter in the hospital were long, and I spent that time becoming increasingly determined to invest and secure the financial freedom for the family.

       My daughter was finally discharged from the hospital and went home to recover. I called my real estate agent and told her that I would like to buy houses as rental properties, and that I planned to buy five houses.

I had read in a book that if you buy five houses as rentals and use the rent income to pay the mortgages every month, then after the mortgages are paid off, the rent income would be enough to live on. Then you would not have to work to earn a paycheck, and you have the option to quit your job. That would mean you have achieved financial freedom.

That was why I told my agent that I planned to buy five houses. My wife overheard the phone call and laughed. She thought that I was crazy to want to buy five houses. It’s not like going to the supermarket and buying five bags of groceries. Five houses? We are a regular working family with ordinary income; where would the money come from?

       We bought our first rental house in 2011. Eight years later, as of writing this book at the end of 2019, we have expanded to 14 rental properties.

Our net worth has increased from $0.8 million in 2011 (primary residence + retirement accounts) to $5.5 million in 2019 (mostly cash-producing properties). This represents an annual rate of 27% in our wealth accumulation. 

The net positive cash-flow (after paying for mortgages, taxes, insurance, repairs, etc.) from our rental properties reached $150,000 per year.

My wife and I enjoy our jobs and have continued to work, but this cash-flow would be enough for us to live on if we chose to retire now.

In addition, (1) with gradual increases in rent, our cash-flow will increase over time. (2) Over the years to come, the mortgages will be gradually paid off, further increasing the cash-flow. (3) The values of the properties will continue to appreciate in the long-term. The situation is a win-win-win.

The draft of this book was finished near the end of 2019. During the Covid-19 shutdown, I had time to polish this book several times. As I checked with my real estate agent and in June 2020, the housing prices and rents in my area have continued to go up significantly. Therefore, our wealth has further increased and our investment return numbers quoted in this book are valid and conservative.

We have achieved this under relatively ordinary circumstances. As you’ll see in the next chapters, we do not live in one of those booming, fast growing areas where real estate prices increase by 8% or 12% per year, enabling investors to “get rich quick”. Such a “booming” may not be sustainable in the long-term, nor reproducible by you in your area.

Instead, the housing prices in our area have been increasing by a modest 3-4% per year in the past eight years, which is representative of a normal market and does not deviate significantly from the long-term historic average in the United States.

In addition, I am not a handy person who can do my own repair work on the houses to save money. My three lovely and talented kids tease me for calling a handyman to fix every small thing. Therefore, the aforementioned wealth accumulation was achieved through relatively normal appreciation by someone who is not particularly handy around a house – and I believe it is attainable for you too.

If you happen to be handy and can save money on house maintenance, or live in a faster-appreciating location, you could do even better.

Theodore Roosevelt once said: “Every person who invests in well-selected real estate in a growing section of a prosperous community adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for real estate is the basis of wealth.”

Indeed, compared to many other types of investments, real estate investing with a good and safe use of leverage, as this book will describe, can produce wonderful returns at a managed and minimized risk. As the famous entrepreneur Marshal Field put it: “Buying real estate is the best, safest way to become wealthy.”

History shows that the majority of self-made millionaires made it through real estate.

According to the industrialist, business magnate, and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie: “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined. The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate.”

It is my hope that this book will inspire, encourage, and assist you in your pursuit of financial freedom.

不容易。拿grant 很难的,一直能拿到更难。
不容易。拿grant 很难的,一直能拿到更难。
Thank you. Yes it's very competitive :)
When young people ask me for career advice, I usually

do not tell them to get a PhD and do research or become a faculty member.  The road is long and hard, and the pay is small.  I usually tell them to get a DDS, MD, or MBA.  If they are interested in law, then try to go to the best law school and get a JD.


If you look at the senators, congressmen, presidents, governors

about 1/2 of them have business background.  And about 1/2 have law background.


If you look at the Jewish community

a lot of them do business or law.  They dominate in business and law.  Therefore, it is important for us to learn investing and business.  This not only benefits us individually, but also benefits us as a community too.  We need to (1) unite together, and (2) invest.  (1) In union there is strength.  (2) Money talks.  No money, walks.


Yes that's true. It's not easy to get an RA or TA.
太赞了!顶礼膜拜!我也是tenured AP,为啥差距那么大呢?就是投资太被动,总是怕风险怕麻烦!
谢谢,恭喜您是tenured AP. That’s a big achievement
投资the best time was 10 years ago. The second best time is now :)
People say: Better late than never.
Buffett made 99.6% of his money after age 52. There is a

Chapter in my book that describes how to grow the family wealth by at least another 10x after age 50.

其实是一个相对稳定的职业收入, 不断将收入投入投资房

再用银行贷款杠杆, 事半功倍!

然后再cash out refi and use lender’s money to buy more.
Thanks a lot. Have a nice weekend!-:)(^-^)
Thanks. You too!