Because of the cost and energy of maintaining it, settingup a livingtrustmay not be right for you if you are under the age of 55 and relatively healthy. A livingtrust serves you no benefit during your lifetime. A young, healthy person will probably not have to worry about the costs of probate for years to come.
Bank POD A bank account with a named beneficiary is called a payable on death (POD) account. People who opt for POD accounts do so to keep their money out of probate court in the event that they pass away. ... The bank, on its end, will give the owner of the account a beneficiary designation form called a Totten trust to fill out.
estate planning 可以有很多目标,省税是其中之一,但是并不一定是最重要的。我们五年前就做好了living trust, 小朋友还在幼儿园呢。主要的目的是1)绕过probate. 2)partially保护婚内财产,3)partially 保护孩子财产, 4)为asset protection提供一点点辅助作用。
1)父母意外死亡后probate有可能拖很久,光靠will无法绕过probate, 只有trust可以,这样能避免在probate期间儿童没有生活来源的问题;
4)在rental property asset protection中,trust可以起到一点点作用。这个作用聊胜于无,太复杂不详述。
Just my 2 cents.
Because of the cost and energy of maintaining it, setting up a living trust may not be right for you if you are under the age of 55 and relatively healthy. A living trust serves you no benefit during your lifetime. A young, healthy person will probably not have to worry about the costs of probate for years to come.
My money my decision!
1.孩子根本不稀罕呢? 是房子, 孩子不签, 管理谁来,弄trust的人, 已经不在人世了。而孩子就一个
特别是joint account的, 要做手脚, 好像是分分钟的事。
还有, 假如夫妇本身积累的财富就不够多, 一人走, 马上分半, 留下的那个, 余生会难, 咋办?
总体estate 用了四年半。主要是报帐,结账。有受益人的都很快移交了。
我知道一个外甥去管阿姨(妈妈姐姐)的遗产执行, 给他另外的12%属于执行费用。
在NJ州, 他们州的遗产税, 蛮高的
就是作为配偶的一角, 假如刚走的那位, 因为生病, 花去了家里大部分的资产,一走, 还被砍半, 这日子还真让留下的人, 恼火。
所以, 夫妇双方一旦到了一定年龄, 还真有必要, 将资产分成两人名下, 已示公正。
一方几乎花完自己名下的, 就该离婚了~~~~~~~~~~
遗产税, 是另外一条线
老公处理过两起了, 他父母死亡。
在IRA,roth IRA, 银行说收益人是A。
在trust 说给B
具体到取钱, IRA,roth IRA, 银行的钱, 只给A。
小孩小, 就是为了细节, 可以将所有的资产, 放trust, 让律师楼执行(准备付费)
如果用托管公司,律师提了下是3% annual, 感觉比你说的低呀?有可能是我们没有深究
Bank POD
A bank account with a named beneficiary is called a payable on death (POD) account. People who opt for POD accounts do so to keep their money out of probate court in the event that they pass away. ... The bank, on its end, will give the owner of the account a beneficiary designation form called a Totten trust to fill out.
我老公在他外婆走的时候, 是请律师办的, 律师还帮着办理遗产税的问题。
是按小时收费的, 我估算了一下, 收了遗产费用, 近10%。
不过, 我家的, 是独生子