a large capacity furnace takes little time to heat up a small house, so it runs short cycles, not good to the lifespan of the machine. You might want to check if the blower connection is on HIGH; if it is a two speed motor you can run on LOW, which makes it less noisy, and probably save some heating bill too.
我有一个独立屋,1450尺,七十年代的房,11年前大修的时候装修师傅给换了furance,也重新做了insulation。Furnace是请装修师傅代买的。我就记得他当时说他拿了一个好deal。说这款在打折,是用来heat 6,000尺的大屋的。
我在里面住了几年,就觉得每次furance开启,噪音特别大,utility bill比较多。后来房子租了,今年冬天湾区比较冷,再加上租客都在家了,导致二月份电和煤气的账单高到近600。
a large capacity furnace takes little time to heat up a small house, so it runs short cycles, not good to the lifespan of the machine. You might want to check if the blower connection is on HIGH; if it is a two speed motor you can run on LOW, which makes it less noisy, and probably save some heating bill too.