for joint lease. It's up to them to decide who pays what but the total must be paid each month otherwise all have to leave. You have to make it clear to them. Tell them it is not a rooming house and in case one leaves the other two have to pay the whole thing.
一个三个bedroom的TH,来了三个年轻男生合租。J,C,N。J工资10万。IT工。正常。C也算IT吧。工资5万多,N没工作(原来餐馆去年干过一个月,C,N是同志。他们准备N没工作之前就J,C 平分租金,那难题来了。这个N让他签leases吗?如果不让他签,那他以什么身份住在这里呢?多谢大家了,现在不知道要怎么办了。还没查信用,但是这两个有工作的自报信用都在700分以上。房租2400一个月。
for joint lease. It's up to them to decide who pays what but the total must be paid each month otherwise all have to leave. You have to make it clear to them. Tell them it is not a rooming house and in case one leaves the other two have to pay the whole thing.
你可以要求 J 做 representative tenant, handles all transactions.
Lease 上要写清楚:
J will be the representative tenant, handles all transactions.
All tenants are jointly and severally liable for all lease obligations. blahblahblah (上网搜索一下就有了)
不在lease 上,你怎么证明他住在你的房子里。
我的理解是,他同你签了lease, 他没法证明交了房租,你可以赶人。