From February to June, meat and poultry prices rosenearly 11%, with beef and veal prices seeing the highest rise, spiking 20%. For pork the increase was about 8.5%. People are paying more for other staples, too: During the same time period, egg prices shot up 10%, and shoppers shelled out 4% more for cereals and fresh vegetables.
From February to June, meat and poultry prices rose nearly 11%, with beef and veal prices seeing the highest rise, spiking 20%. For pork the increase was about 8.5%. People are paying more for other staples, too: During the same time period, egg prices shot up 10%, and shoppers shelled out 4% more for cereals and fresh vegetables.
更多我的博客文章>>> From February to June, meat and poultry prices rose nearly 11%, 美国版《 长津湖战役》纪录片;美国不让美国兵过38线,是疯狂的麦克阿瑟; 我看到的这个冬天会很暗,因为美国2019的疫情是从二月底开始的,感冒季节差不多结束了;2020-2021波将是整个的感冒季节 Spanish flu 持续两年半5亿人得,S大约5千万;感觉人们对疫苗过于乐观 美国如果能做到95%的人戴口罩就基本能控制住了,现在各个州情况不一样,红州大约60%,兰州大约70%多;这个是科学