When Biden becomes president, everyone will be punished!
They will pack the court, replace electoral vote with popular vote, force kids to learn BLM in public, tax everyone to pay reparation, medicare for all, build low income housing in suburb area... Sadly ever after, Democrats will be elected forever with voter fraud, illegal immigrants and all the others ways you can't even imagine!
When Biden becomes president, we all will be punished!
They will pack the court, replace electoral vote with popular vote, force kids to learn BLM in public school, tax everyone to pay reparation, medicare for all, build low income housing in suburb area... Sadly ever after, Democrats will be elected forever with voter fraud, illegal immigrants and all the others ways you can't even imagine!
学术界你了解好像不多。我看你就是纯嫉妒, 不知道瞎说啥?
They will pack the court, replace electoral vote with popular vote, force kids to learn BLM in public, tax everyone to pay reparation, medicare for all, build low income housing in suburb area... Sadly ever after, Democrats will be elected forever with voter fraud, illegal immigrants and all the others ways you can't even imagine!
They will pack the court, replace electoral vote with popular vote, force kids to learn BLM in public school, tax everyone to pay reparation, medicare for all, build low income housing in suburb area... Sadly ever after, Democrats will be elected forever with voter fraud, illegal immigrants and all the others ways you can't even imagine!
copy下来,发给有关部门调查了,通过你的帖子和你过去的一些帖子,很容易调查到你及你的朋友是谁。那我们就等等你给你朋友带来的官司吧。群里人说你没有disclose 你朋友的信息,可是你其实已经disclose 的很多了。这样地不厚道随意论断别人,你觉得你周围认识你的人还敢和你交往吗?别人善于的提醒不但不警醒,那些不嫌事大继续鼓动你的不坏好意的人你却把她们的话当作鼓励和支持,我真是无语了!这样吧,你就等着你朋友老公找你好吗?本来我路过不想管闲事就是善意提醒你,但是看看你在群里继续的得意,唉,那我觉得你真的应该知道不当言语会给别人带来什么样的灾难和伤害。