Chinese school in America

楼主 (文学城)
First, let me tell that I am for or against Chinese school. But I want to ask you ladies and gentlemen some questions since so many chatters here are talking about it.

1. Are you still Chinese citizen or American citizen or are going to be American citizen?
2. If you prefer to be American citizen, is Chinese or Chinese culture that important to your kids?
3. Does anyone in America nowadays really care much who you are, but what you are?
4. If America is become worse, for instance economically for whatever reason, do you or your kids want to go back to China and become Chinese citizens or can you and your kids do it?
5. Who is more likely successful in America, more Americanized or more Chinese mentalized Chinese American?
6. If Chinese and Chinese culture is that good and necessary, why do you come to America and why America is richer and better than China? Do you think that it would be easy and convenient to study Chinese and Chinese culture in China?
7. Do you think that would be much better if you try your very best to be just American? Anyway you want to stay in America; at least you want your kids to stay in America, am I right?
8. I know that a lot of Chinese Americans would love to say China is bad here and there. But why do you like to gather together again at a so-called Chinese school since you don’t need to or have to?
9. I know China has super market and knowing Chinese and Chinese culture may help kids’ career. But don’t you think that your kids’ career starts in America not in China? And America will offer more opportunities more than any country in the world?
10. Should kids make more friends rather than just Chinese, for instance, have more friends of whites, blacks, Hispanics, Indians, Koreans, Japanese, etc? Is that really good to circle your kids just in Chinese community every weekend?
11. Is it true that Chinese is more time consuming and difficult to learn than other languages? If it is, why you force your kids and waste so much time to learn it? For what?
12. What is the big deal if your kids don’t know Chinese or Chinese culture if you think above questions well?
13. The final but very important question, should the kids love America better and more than China? I ask this question because I have to whenever we are talking about Chinese school. You know that some Chinese Americans would love to say that those who don’t want their kids to study Chinese forget their roots. That’s not necessarily true at all. For instance, I have no plan to ask my kids to study Chinese, but if you come to my home and you will see that I love China dearly and my kids have a great passion and love to China.

Finally, if you like your kids go to Chinese school, then go to Chinese school. You just don’t go to if you really do feel it is necessary. I don’t know much about Chinese school though I live in very large metropolitan. But I’ve heard a lot about it. It seems that Chinese school needs some improvements.

Chinese school in just a plac

We are all American citizens, parents and kids. I like to send my kids to the Chinese School because it is good place for them to learn Chinese, and for us to keep contact with our Chinese friends. But, I have stopped that for 2 years already. The reason: Our Chinese school classes are all scheduled on Saturdays, the kid’s sport competitions are also scheduled on Saturdays. The kids do not want to miss those sport events.

I think that my kids do not care where they are parents come from. My Dad from 山东. I never was very proud or ashamed where we were from. I feel the same for my kids' thought about their 祖籍。My kids never complain about Chinese culture or traditions. Also they don’t have to follow it if they don’t like.
One time, I said to my D. "You cannot date now". She asked why. I partially kidding to her "As the rule in Chinese family, you cannot date until you get married." She said "While, I am going to stop that."
I think you are either crazy
你有点极端, 我姐姐就是这样的, 不让孩子说一句中文

现在在高中两个孩子都在学中文. 我孩子们都在中文学校学习中文, 写作, 象棋.
If you think that I am crazy

by my message, I can see that you are either almost crazy or your English is not good enough to understand what I am trying to say. Just kiding. Happy New Year. Thanks for your response.
回复:Chinese school in America

I think you are asking very good questions.
回复:Chinese school in America

American society is a highly diversified society. Chinese culture, just like Latino or Black culture, is part of the US culture. Being a Chinese and being a citizen of PRC are completely different issues. Even if you don't speak Chinese and know nothing about Chinese culture, you cannot change your face and skin. You are still a Chinese ethnically.

You are too narrow minded.

回复:Chinese school in America

Most of your questions are personal issues and it is totally your family's decision wether or not to send your kids to Chinese school or keep Chinese culture. In our Chinese school. I often see some adopted Chinese girls who are sent there to study Chinese. Go ask those American parents why. I don't see any conflict between sending kids to learn Chinese and making more friends of whites, blacks, Hispanics, Indians, Koreans, Japanese, etc. Both my kids are bilingauls and they are very popular at their schools.
Kids think differently

I have a friend whose parents came from German. He told me couple years ago when I talked with him about teaching my son some Chinese. He said, "You came from China. You have your passion to China. However, your child was born here. He is American. As second generation, we don’t care!" At that time, it was so hard for me to accept what he said. But he was telling the truth about the second generation from immigrant family. How much do our kids really care what's going on in China if they were born and raised in the US? Do they care about the news in China as we do? I know a third generation Chinese American and a third generation Korean American. They both told me all they knew was, "I am American."
回复:Chinese school in America

You are asking very good questions. Here are just my 2 cents:
I think it's very important for Chinese people here to be united, afterall we share some common background and common interest. Chinese american can only be stronger and have more political or economical clout as a group. And our next generation carries certain responsibilty for this as well. Look at Jews. As someone here said already, you may be an American citizen, but you can not change the fact that your ethnic background is Chinese.
Also right now the world is moving towards globalization, American culture and chinese culture are quite different in many ways. Knowing both of them will be beneficial to you as well as to the society as a whole. Of couse you can argue that for this logic, you can pick up any other second language, like Spanish, true, but with Chinese, you already have a great advantage.
I think both Chinese and american culture have many good things to learn from.
Interestingly, I know quite a few American couples who adopted Chinese girls. They are taking troubles to take their kids to Chinese church and/or Chinese schools.
When my kids grow up, I want them to feel proud being an american citizen as well as a Chinese. With more exposure to diverse cultures, they will be less likely to be biased or narrow minded.
I am so agree what you stated!