
楼主 (文学城)

房客的lease 三月底到期,二月中突然通知我说找到新工作,要搬出去了,问我如果配合找到新房客,是否可以把三月的房租pro-rate。我说没有问题。他很快搬出去,然后告诉我说thermostat 坏了,“We are moving the vast majority of our items tomorrow and will be spending our nights at our new unit starting tomorrow so we will be okay, but still I want this addressed as soon as possible so I can keep the unit at a reasonable temperature even when we arent here.“

我当时并没有在意,想着既然人都搬出去了,回头我慢慢修就是了。然后带了几个求租的人去看,发现房子被糟蹋的不成样子,明显不是正常使用老化,多处需要维修不说,也脏得一塌糊涂。于是发信要求房客clean the unit to move-in ready,他说没有问题。可是他其实一直啥都没做。

至于那个thermostat, 我们请人看了,说根本就是人为拽坏的。考虑到我们还需要房客付三月的房租,而这些维修的费用肯定要扣他放在我们手里的deposit (大概相当于一个月房租)而且还远远不止,我们不想这么早跟他撕破脸,所以也就暂时没提,想最后go over房子的时候再提。


“On February 16th, I notified you the heating wasn't working.  I stated that this needed to be fixed rapidly and you assured me it would.  At this stage, you are out of compliance with Washington State Tenant/Landlord Law RCW.59.18.060 (https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=59.18.060  ) which states within 24 hours items such as heat need to be fixed.  Based on your lack of communication on your attempts to get it fixed, I will exercise my right guaranteed to me in RCW 59.18.090 (https://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?Cite=59.18.090) and vacate my lease.

  I will provide a quitting date of 2/29/20 so the unit will start fresh on 3/1/2020.  As well, I am going to set 11:59 PM as my transfer date of my account off of PSE removing my responsibility of utilities payment.   I have provided ample time for you to provide remedy for this solution and besides mentioning you were having someone "Look at it" you followed up with no proof of contractor appearance and no proof of a planned contractor return to fix the item.   Please respond no later then 24 hours as that will put you 12 full days past minimum compliance time by Washington State Law for keeping the unit up to code.”   很显然他一早就没打算付三月的房租。我能想到的对策有两个,第一,同意提前一个月结束lease, 然而,保持索要维修费的权利,并在这周末换锁,尽快修好找新房客,显然维修他不可能出钱了,那么我的目标只是不用退他deposit, 争取把损失降到最小。第二,不同意,因为我之前确实有找人看,没有跟他说是因为他已经搬出,而且他从来没问过。但是那样的话,估计我想三月尽快维修和找人都不可能,跟他有的是皮扯。 各位高人觉得呢?    
嗯,那个我们是不打算追究,主要是他对房子的物理损坏太大,他的deposit 远远不够修的钱

我想将来万一要上庭,这就是呈堂供词,所以强调了下他提前搬出是他计划好的,并不是因为一个区区thermostat 坏了。




We may consider to terminate the lease on February 29th, 2020 instead of March 31st, 2020 because we are reasonable people and we fully understand your financial situation since you found another place to stay and obviously don’t intend to pay rent for two units at the same time. However please be aware that this decision has nothing to do with the thermostat because 1. You were moving out when you reported the problem, and as you stated earlier, you vacated the unit before the end of the lease because of your job change and your new rental, not because of the thermostat 2. As you mentioned we did find some one to look at the thermostat and he suggested that it’s due to inappropriate usage, hence it’s your responsibility to repair it. According to Washington law, “A landlord shall not have a duty to repair a defective condition under this section, nor shall any defense or remedy be available to the tenant under this chapter, if the defective condition complained of was caused by the conduct of the tenant, the tenant's family, invitee, or other person acting under the tenant's control”.


As a matter of fact, we found multiple damages, most of which were beyond the range of normal wear and tear, including, but not limited to the thermostat above. We were about to go over everything with you. Please be aware that, as a tenant, you should comply with statutory duties and conform to all reasonable obligations or restrictions, per RCW 59.18.130 and RCW 59.18.140, which includes, but not limited to keep the unit clean and sanitary, properly use and operate all electrical, gas, heating, plumbing and other fixtures and appliances,  not intentionally or negligently damage or impair any part of the structure or dwelling, etc.


As you may know we showed the unit to some several interested people, who witnessed the status of the unit. Given its condition it’s almost unlikely to rent out. You agreed and promised to restore the unit to move-in-ready status, the same as its status when we rented it to you. This includes cleaning the whole unit and repairing all the damages beyond ordinary usage. You may choose to fix all these things before the end of the lease, or we’ll collect all relevant expenses from you, plus the court/attorney fees, if applicable. We may also send the bills to a collection agent and report to the credit bureaus, if necessary. But of course we believe both of our sides don’t want to go that far.


Please set up some time on Sunday to do a walk through of the unit. We'll show you what needs to be fixed.
