"Apollo had made one too many jokes at Eros' expense. To punish him, Eros shot Apollo with one of his golden arrows, which made Apollo fall madly in love with the nymph Daphne. Unfortunately for Apollo, Eros had shot Daphne with a lead arrow, which made her reject the god.
Apollo pursued Daphne and she tried to run away to escape him. Daphne called out to her father, the river god, for help. He changed her into a laurel tree just as Apollo was about to catch her.
Apollo was heartbroken. Even as a tree Daphne shuddered at Apollo's touch."
比一般的马更力大:是平均一匹马力量的 1.5 倍 续航速度比一般的马更快:每小时 8.5 公里 (一般马每小时 6.5 公里) 跑的比一般的马更远:距离无限 从来不用吃草, 什么时候想跑就可以跑这匹宝马是今年 semester 结束后我自己养育出来的,实在是太神奇好玩了!
So I have this horse, beautiful and strong; she does not need any feeding, but runs all day long! 大师们,俺应该如何命名此尤物?高见?
when your love is on aboard
she is her
when you fly alone
she is her
Let there be light
comes bright life
without darkness
she likes bright
Happy and light
Cheesy names:
Keep the sunny side up
Dance with the sun/light/...
Run with/on the sun
Strictly hot
The Trojan Horse (Although Apollo was on the Trojan side so this maybe awkward)
(Very) Naughty:
Sun of a beach
"Apollo had made one too many jokes at Eros' expense. To punish him, Eros shot Apollo with one of his golden arrows, which made Apollo fall madly in love with the nymph Daphne. Unfortunately for Apollo, Eros had shot Daphne with a lead arrow, which made her reject the god.
Apollo pursued Daphne and she tried to run away to escape him. Daphne called out to her father, the river god, for help. He changed her into a laurel tree just as Apollo was about to catch her.
Apollo was heartbroken. Even as a tree Daphne shuddered at Apollo's touch."