Infrared vs Near Infrared Comparison Comparison of Far Infrared (FIR) and Near Infrared (NIR) Light Penetration in Skin
Far Infrared (FIR) light and Near Infrared (NIR) light are both forms of infrared radiation, but they differ in wavelength and penetration depth in human skin.
Near Infrared (NIR) Light (700-900 nm) Penetrates 0.5-1.5 mm into skin, primarily affecting superficial tissues and skin surface Absorbed by water and protein in skin, with some scattering and refraction Used for applications such as: Skin rejuvenation and anti-aging Wound healing and tissue repair Pain relief and inflammation reduction Muscle recovery and athletic performance enhancement Far Infrared (FIR) Light (50-1000 μm) Penetrates up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) into skin, reaching deeper tissues and organs Absorbed by water and protein in tissues, with minimal scattering and refraction Used for applications such as: Chronic pain relief and inflammation reduction Cardiovascular health and circulation improvement Wound care and tissue repair Detoxification and cellular regeneration Key Differences Penetration depth: FIR light penetrates much deeper than NIR light, allowing it to interact with deeper tissues and organs. Absorption: Both NIR and FIR light are absorbed by water and protein in tissues, but FIR light has a more uniform absorption profile, making it more effective for deeper tissue penetration. Therapeutic applications: While both wavelengths have similar applications in skin rejuvenation and wound healing, FIR light is more suitable for deeper tissue issues, such as chronic pain and cardiovascular conditions.
In conclusion, Far Infrared (FIR) light has a greater penetration depth and a more uniform absorption profile compared to Near Infrared (NIR) light, making it more effective for targeting deeper tissues and organs. However, NIR light is still a valuable tool for superficial skin applications and may be preferred for certain conditions. Ultimately, the choice between FIR and NIR light therapy depends on the specific therapeutic goals and target tissues.
远红外线大约能穿透皮肤3.0 cm左右, 而近红外线只能穿透皮肤 1.0 mm 左右(本人上次的红外线帖子,误将近红外线解释为更深的穿透力)。因此远红外线更能扩张微血管。其中扩张微血管的原理之一是它能提高一氧化氮合成酶的活性, 从而促进血管内皮制造和释放更多的一氧化氮。在一氧化氮的作用下, 血管平滑肌松弛, 血流速度加快, 从而从血管周围吸收和带走更多的乳酸, 尿素和肌酐等废物, 从而加快机体排除毒素的速度。使用远红外线, 可以明显地看到患者的尿量的增加。远红外线有利于消除水肿,改善肾功能, 对于尿毒症患者颇有帮助。
目前的的医学手段能够改善慢性肾功能衰竭的方法并不多。 慢性肾衰的病人最终将走向人工肾洗肾或者肾移植的地步。 但是, 远红外线能够有效地延迟洗肾和肾移植的到来。 所以红外线可以视作慢性肾衰竭病人的一种福音。在中国, 普通老百姓能够获得肾脏供体的机会不多, 经常性地做远红外线的照射, 不能不说是一种有利于底层民众患有慢性肾功能衰竭的病人的一种上帝的恩赐。
检查一下您的家庭医生给与您的肾功能化验值, 如果您的eGFR小于 60, 二十年后, 您可能就需要洗肾或者肾移植。而远红外线可以推迟这一天的到来。
因为远红外线能够增加您的血液中的一氧化氮含量, 它还具有多种因一氧化氮而带来的保健功能。
谢谢您的指证, 上次的信息误导了群众读者。以后本人多加注意, 核对信息。
Infrared vs Near Infrared Comparison Comparison of Far Infrared (FIR) and Near Infrared (NIR) Light Penetration in Skin
Far Infrared (FIR) light and Near Infrared (NIR) light are both forms of infrared radiation, but they differ in wavelength and penetration depth in human skin.
Near Infrared (NIR) Light (700-900 nm) Penetrates 0.5-1.5 mm into skin, primarily affecting superficial tissues and skin surface Absorbed by water and protein in skin, with some scattering and refraction Used for applications such as: Skin rejuvenation and anti-aging Wound healing and tissue repair Pain relief and inflammation reduction Muscle recovery and athletic performance enhancement Far Infrared (FIR) Light (50-1000 μm) Penetrates up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) into skin, reaching deeper tissues and organs Absorbed by water and protein in tissues, with minimal scattering and refraction Used for applications such as: Chronic pain relief and inflammation reduction Cardiovascular health and circulation improvement Wound care and tissue repair Detoxification and cellular regeneration Key Differences Penetration depth: FIR light penetrates much deeper than NIR light, allowing it to interact with deeper tissues and organs. Absorption: Both NIR and FIR light are absorbed by water and protein in tissues, but FIR light has a more uniform absorption profile, making it more effective for deeper tissue penetration. Therapeutic applications: While both wavelengths have similar applications in skin rejuvenation and wound healing, FIR light is more suitable for deeper tissue issues, such as chronic pain and cardiovascular conditions.In conclusion, Far Infrared (FIR) light has a greater penetration depth and a more uniform absorption profile compared to Near Infrared (NIR) light, making it more effective for targeting deeper tissues and organs. However, NIR light is still a valuable tool for superficial skin applications and may be preferred for certain conditions. Ultimately, the choice between FIR and NIR light therapy depends on the specific therapeutic goals and target tissues.
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