“My sister in law didn't even get a news story when she was murdered in a apartment complex parking lot but a rich man gets a man hunt” 我嫂子被谋杀后,新闻根本没报道。富人死了,新闻人肉就搜索罪犯。
“WE NEVER SAW THAT PERSON IN OUR LIFE!” 我们一辈子从来没看见过这个人!(警察在人肉搜索罪犯)
“I wonder how many people have died after necessary care was denied by United. I hope he doesn't get caught.” 我在猜多少人生病了因为被拒保而死。我希望他们永远抓不到罪犯。
"Too bad us poor folks don't get this kind of attention when we're gunned down. I feel more sympathy for the folks denied care because of this dude's business model. I will shed no tears for a billionaire. Sorry. Not sorry" 穷人被枪杀时,根本没人理会。因为这个CEO的营业模式,那些被拒保的病人更让我同情。我不会为了这个亿万富翁流泪。对不起。没什么好对不起的。
“My sister in law didn't even get a news story when she was murdered in a apartment complex parking lot but a rich man gets a man hunt” 我嫂子被谋杀后,新闻根本没报道。富人死了,新闻人肉就搜索罪犯。
“WE NEVER SAW THAT PERSON IN OUR LIFE!” 我们一辈子从来没看见过这个人!(警察在人肉搜索罪犯)
“CEO should've bought premium coverage” CEO应该买了全保。
“I wonder how many people have died after necessary care was denied by United. I hope he doesn't get caught.” 我在猜多少人生病了因为被拒保而死。我希望他们永远抓不到罪犯。
"Too bad us poor folks don't get this kind of attention when we're gunned down. I feel more sympathy for the folks denied care because of this dude's business model. I will shed no tears for a billionaire. Sorry. Not sorry" 穷人被枪杀时,根本没人理会。因为这个CEO的营业模式,那些被拒保的病人更让我同情。我不会为了这个亿万富翁流泪。对不起。没什么好对不起的。
什么电影还要再塞一个LG 鼻涕的人。
所以现在Netflix 都看不下去了