一个50多岁的女生,在考虑更年期激素的问题上,需要自己多读书,推荐下面几本,把支持和反对意见都听听: –How not to age by Dr. Michael Greger, 反对使用 –The menopause brain by Lisa Mosconi, 支持使用 –The new menopause by Mary Claire Haver, 支持使用 –Estrogen matters by by Avrum Bluming, 支持使用
Estrogen and progesterone are in the food people eat everday
such as flaxseed soy products dark Chocolate fruits veggies red wine garlic....still need medication? That might cause problems. The best way is to listen to the body, especially when a person has the craving for certain "junk food" that means the body needs certain nutrients.
According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology,
women who experience late-onset menopause have an increased risk of uterineand breast cancer. This is due to having an increased exposure to hormones such as estrogen. As women menstruate longer, they have more ovulations which also increases the risk of ovarian cancer. Women with a long reproductive life, menarche (onset of periods) before the age of 12 years and menopause after age 55 years have an increased risk of these hormone-dependent cancers. A pooled analysis of data from more than 400,000 women found for every year older a woman was at menopause, breast cancer risk increased by approximately 3%.
Here is the good news— research findings suggest that
Later age at menopause and longer reproductive lifespan may result in longer life expectancy, women who go through menopause late are at a lower risk for heart disease and stroke, and the overall effect was an increased lifespan.
Another study indicated women with longer reproductive years are more likely to live to 90 years of age.
周二是我换雌激素贴贴的日子,洗完澡就换上,吃完晚饭就吃了孕激素,和镁,避免忘记。继续边听"Estrogen matters", 边用kindle 读这本书。有这些笔记:
--WHI数据显示,在进入研究之前服用激素、因此更接近更年期的女性在临床试验期间患上各种形式的痴呆症(包括阿尔茨海默氏症)的可能性较小。与非使用者相比,他们的风险降低了 50%
–How not to age by Dr. Michael Greger, 反对使用
–The menopause brain by Lisa Mosconi, 支持使用
–The new menopause by Mary Claire Haver, 支持使用
–Estrogen matters by by Avrum Bluming, 支持使用
更多我的博客文章>>> 更年期激素与“自然”老去 更年期激素体验-对记忆力的影响? 更年期激素体验-第一周-2 年底湾区玩什么? Vo2 max 见缝插针训练
such as flaxseed soy products dark Chocolate fruits veggies red wine garlic....still need medication? That might cause problems. The best way is to listen to the body, especially when a person has the craving for certain "junk food" that means the body needs certain nutrients.
women who experience late-onset menopause have an increased risk of uterineand breast cancer. This is due to having an increased exposure to hormones such as estrogen. As women menstruate longer, they have more ovulations which also increases the risk of ovarian cancer. Women with a long reproductive life, menarche (onset of periods) before the age of 12 years and menopause after age 55 years have an increased risk of these hormone-dependent cancers. A pooled analysis of data from more than 400,000 women found for every year older a woman was at menopause, breast cancer risk increased by approximately 3%.
Later age at menopause and longer reproductive lifespan may result in longer life expectancy, women who go through menopause late are at a lower risk for heart disease and stroke, and the overall effect was an increased lifespan.
Another study indicated women with longer reproductive years are more likely to live to 90 years of age.