Verified Purchase I have covid for the 2nd time within 4 months & this time I got an asthmatic cough...immediately started researching natural supplements for sinus and respitory and came across this...recieved it the next day and saw immediate sinuses drained so quickly through my eyes & nose...helped with my breathing....I will be taking this daily as I suffer from bad allergies throughout the year...gave it 4 stars bc I've only been taking it for 3 days so far, but EXTREMELY SATISFIED!!!!
『... 第19天,判断是慢性新冠在作怪。加服甘草,当天感觉好多了,说话多时的干咳现象改善很多。连服5天,所有症状完全消失,继续服用2天巩固疗效。... 』(我的新冠经历)
我的新冠不发烧, 刚开始嗓子发干, 然后气管炎。 因为在国外, 回不来还想继续玩, 就在当地买了阿莫西林, 吃了7天, 其实2-3天就基本好了。
回家是7-8天了, 改嗓子痒,浅咳。 老不能去根,晚上咳的多, 挺烦的。
试了好几天airborne不管用, 都准备上龙胆十味颗粒了, 那是个藏药, 曾经治好过我的久咳, 觉得有点牛刀不想用。
后来看见还有一包葛仙翁牌的银花清感颗粒, 只有金银花,连翘, 防风, 桔梗四味, 一包里多半是糖。 那个药特便宜, 跟清补凉之类放一起卖的。 我是黄痰, 估计是药对症, 1包下去就见效, 三天里吃掉4包就好了。
Tiger Milk Mushroom
jill perez 4.0 out of 5 stars Starts working within first 24 hrsReviewed in the United States on January 16, 2022
Verified Purchase I have covid for the 2nd time within 4 months & this time I got an asthmatic cough...immediately started researching natural supplements for sinus and respitory and came across this...recieved it the next day and saw immediate sinuses drained so quickly through my eyes & nose...helped with my breathing....I will be taking this daily as I suffer from bad allergies throughout the year...gave it 4 stars bc I've only been taking it for 3 days so far, but EXTREMELY SATISFIED!!!!