nikon 105 mm micro lens, which is the best aperture or sharpest aperture for this lens
The Nikon 105mm micro (macro) lens, such as the Nikon AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED, is renowned for its sharpness and versatility, especially for close-up and macro photography. Like most lenses, its sharpness varies depending on the aperture used.
Sharpest Aperture for the Nikon 105mm Micro Lens:
Optimal Sharpness: This lens tends to be sharpest around f/5.6 to f/8. At these apertures, diffraction is minimal, and the lens achieves excellent edge-to-edge sharpness.
Wide Open (f/2.8): While the lens is still sharp at f/2.8, it may not be at its absolute peak sharpness, and there might be some slight softness in the corners. However, f/2.8 is great for achieving a shallow depth of field and isolating subjects.
Stopped Down (f/11 and beyond): As you stop down further (e.g., f/11, f/16, f/22), diffraction starts to reduce overall sharpness. However, these smaller apertures are often necessary in macro photography to achieve sufficient depth of field when working at very close focusing distances.
Practical Considerations:
For general macro work, f/8 is often the sweet spot, balancing sharpness and depth of field.
For portraits or non-macro work, f/4 to f/5.6 provides excellent sharpness with a pleasing background blur.
For maximum depth of field in macro photography, you may need to use f/11 or f/16, even though sharpness may slightly decrease due to diffraction.
Best Sharpness: f/5.6 to f/8
Macro Work: f/8 to f/11 (depending on depth of field needs)
Portraits/General Use: f/4 to f/5.6
Always test your specific copy of the lens, as there can be slight variations between individual lenses.
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1. 和 2.
2. 是用AfterShot锐化的。
AfterShot. sharpen at 400 (可以从零调到400):
速度是不是太慢?超过了防抖的极限?速度 应该是小于镜头焦距乘以2的倒数,见下面我的照片的例子。
用没用三角架或单脚架,如果用了,就应该turn off 防抖。用三脚架时也要用外接shutter release cable。
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我这张照片, 光圈 f/32, 60 mm 镜头,速度= 1/160 秒 (小于 1/120 秒),最上面的贝壳角还有些模糊。
试试 1. 用光圈f/5.6或 f/8,用三脚架,用快门线,不用防抖功能。如果想整个花都照清楚,减小光圈。
2. 如果不用三脚架,用防抖功能,但是多拍几张,用同样的光圈速度或变光圈速度。这样就不会错过机会了。
3. 可以设置成按一下快门连拍3张或5张同样的景,-1EV, EV, +1EV. 或 -2, -1, 0, +1,+2 EV,拍后软件弄成HDR(high dynamic range)。
你的D500的快门寿命可能是20万。deepseek 说用人用到超过40万,所以不要怕多拍。
nikon 105 mm micro lens, which is the best aperture or sharpest aperture for this lens
The Nikon 105mm micro (macro) lens, such as the Nikon AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED, is renowned for its sharpness and versatility, especially for close-up and macro photography. Like most lenses, its sharpness varies depending on the aperture used.
Sharpest Aperture for the Nikon 105mm Micro Lens:Optimal Sharpness: This lens tends to be sharpest around f/5.6 to f/8. At these apertures, diffraction is minimal, and the lens achieves excellent edge-to-edge sharpness.
Wide Open (f/2.8): While the lens is still sharp at f/2.8, it may not be at its absolute peak sharpness, and there might be some slight softness in the corners. However, f/2.8 is great for achieving a shallow depth of field and isolating subjects.
Stopped Down (f/11 and beyond): As you stop down further (e.g., f/11, f/16, f/22), diffraction starts to reduce overall sharpness. However, these smaller apertures are often necessary in macro photography to achieve sufficient depth of field when working at very close focusing distances.
Practical Considerations:For general macro work, f/8 is often the sweet spot, balancing sharpness and depth of field.
For portraits or non-macro work, f/4 to f/5.6 provides excellent sharpness with a pleasing background blur.
For maximum depth of field in macro photography, you may need to use f/11 or f/16, even though sharpness may slightly decrease due to diffraction.
Summary:Best Sharpness: f/5.6 to f/8
Macro Work: f/8 to f/11 (depending on depth of field needs)
Portraits/General Use: f/4 to f/5.6
Always test your specific copy of the lens, as there can be slight variations between individual lenses.
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