我爸爸退休之前在中国的某监狱工作,就是普通狱警,科级,现在已经退休六年了,最近我想给他申请一下B2延期,不知道这两个yes 和 No 的问题如何回答.请教一下,谢谢 8.a. Served in, been a member of, assisted, or participated in any military unit, paramilitary unit, police unit, self-defense unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, guerrilla group, militia, insurgent organization, or any other armed group? Yes No 8.b. Worked, volunteered, or otherwise served in any prison, jail, prison camp, detention facility, labor camp, or any other situation that involved detaining persons? Yes No
8.a. Served in, been a member of, assisted, or participated in any military unit, paramilitary unit, police unit, self-defense unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, guerrilla group, militia, insurgent organization, or any other armed group? Yes No
8.b. Worked, volunteered, or otherwise served in any prison, jail, prison camp, detention facility, labor camp, or any other situation that involved detaining persons?
Yes No