我是上周发准备thermofisher intern面试的! 刚刚结束了面试感觉非常好!有几个问题我回答完了他会说thats a good answer,然后最后我问了一句:what skills should i know before I enter the internship if I were to get the position. 他说,the first one you‘d be surpriced but you seem to be pretty good at,is interpersonal skills. 感觉被肯定了开心到起飞啊. 面试小白第一次有这么正经的面试还很成功真的是开心到爆!
最后说了一句这两天还有几个人要面,early下周就能出结果,watch out for an email.
我是上周发准备thermofisher intern面试的! 刚刚结束了面试感觉非常好!有几个问题我回答完了他会说thats a good answer,然后最后我问了一句:what skills should i know before I enter the internship if I were to get the position. 他说,the first one you‘d be surpriced but you seem to be pretty good at,is interpersonal skills. 感觉被肯定了开心到起飞啊. 面试小白第一次有这么正经的面试还很成功真的是开心到爆!
最后说了一句这两天还有几个人要面,early下周就能出结果,watch out for an email.
希望能拿到这份实习! 今年的努力就不白费啦!
Update:面试完第二天早上campus recruiter打来电话说:昨天你应该和面试官面了试,他说了你很多positive things,你在upper spectrum里面,但是我们还有几位applicants 这两天面完了就会告诉你最终结果.