The recommended doses are 1. D-mannose: 1/2 tsp (800mg) 2-3 times daily. 2. Cranberry: 2 capsules twice daily. 3. Probiotics (Ultimate Flora Women's Care is a good option): 1 capsule 2-3 times a day, 30 minutes outside of food consumption (first thing in the morning, 30 minutes before lunch, and before bed). You should be able to find all of these supplements at your local health food store or Whole Foods.
妹子、没有症状的话不建议吃antibiotics, 抗生素会把人体里的好坏细菌都杀死、吃完容易得阴道炎!吃 D-mannosen! 他是一个simple sugar.你自己在网上查查、这些建议都是我自己经验总结的
The recommended doses are
1. D-mannose: 1/2 tsp (800mg) 2-3 times daily.
2. Cranberry: 2 capsules twice daily.
3. Probiotics (Ultimate Flora Women's Care is a good option): 1 capsule 2-3 times a day, 30 minutes outside of food consumption (first thing in the morning, 30 minutes before lunch, and before bed). You should be able to find all of these supplements at your local health food store or Whole Foods.
在开始吃了 证明这个是孕期蛮常见的情况,ob也很有经验,所以我觉得听专业人士意见没什么问题
不谢!我是那种自己每次得病都会在网上查好久 -专业文章看一圈之后又看国内外论坛、然后在自己身上试验的那种”好宝宝“。所以对这病懂点