对了 套用房东的话“根据加州法律” A landlord can deduct from the tenant’s security deposit:
The cost of fixing any damages to the property caused by you (the tenant) or your guests. This does not inclde ordinary wear and tear. The cost of cleaning the unit when you move out, but only to make the unit as clean as it was when you first moved in (less “reasonable wear and tear”). Unpaid rent (including rent owed if you do not give the landlord the proper notice that you are moving out). The landlord can withhold from the security deposit ONLY those amounts that are necessary and reasonable and NOT a result of “ordinary and reasonable wear and tear.” For example, a landlord may not make you pay for painting, new carpets, or curtains unless there were serious damages that were beyond ordinary and reasonable wear and tear. And the landlord cannot use your security deposit to repair problems that existed in the unit before you moved in.
另外你看房东发给你那串法律,for example后面,哪些是不能扣的,你明显符合1,normal wear and tear. 2, ...
感谢感谢,百叶窗是我们的问题,我会把这个钱交给他,我是和他说,我需要去确认一下他家那款确实断货了,因为他是把整个百叶窗全部换新了,而不是只把坏的那一片换下来。我搬进去之前他的墙就是有新刷的痕迹,应该也是自己在墙上打洞了,自己修补了一下,所以新刷漆的地方能看出来是颜色是深一些的。我是觉得他不应该全屋刷漆要我付80%,要不然就small area paint,我全掏钱,要不他全屋刷漆,我付20%或者最多50%这样。
墙只要你是正常使用,一般都没办法charge到房客身上,就算要touch up也是房东掏钱的,你算是很讲道理了。我有个租客之前也是养狗,搬出去的时候,墙面到处是超级脏那种黑黑的还有油渍,但是因为他住了三年,所以也不能charge他paint钱,而且也算是wear and tear吧,就是个人卫生习惯差了点,后来我自己掏钱重新刷了一下。租房子基本上平均一年房租拿出一个月来维护翻新属于很正常,而且都不太能扣押金的,加州还是很保护租客,到现在基本租客出去最多也都是扣个打扫费还有洗地毯费用
刚刚又给房东发完邮件,我愿意付全部carpet clean的钱,和部分deep clean的钱,房东说卫生间和厨房的水池,还有浴盆有一些water stain,墙面上有一些灰尘和印记,所以deep clean两个人从早上9点干活干到晚上9点...有点儿水渍这不是很正常么...加州水这么硬,何况我也是经常做清洁的人...dryer说因为我的misuse导致后面的管道松动了,所以有好多debris,这个虽然搬进去就这样,但是我也懒得argue,几十块钱我也认了。刚刚发了邮件过去把所有项都列出了我能接受的价格之后,总押金2250,我付完各种钱之后应该退我1151,他给我发邮件说,we are getting closer,how about I give you 1100back,we meet at the halway. If you are not agree on it, just send me a letter of intent. 一副小人得志的嘴脸,我说那就上法庭吧,但是我老婆说她实在不想因为50块钱和这种人渣浪费时间,就给他们写了一份很长的“抒情”邮件没有任何aggressive的言辞那种...就说1100就1100吧,不想浪费时间了...
我们平时很注意卫生,最多2.3天就会打扫一下家里,灶台烤箱也都是包着锡纸用的,定期会换,家里养狗,但是从来不在家里拉尿,为了把毛吸的干净一些,dyson的吸尘器是出了新款就买,一直用的最大马力的,现在是v11,而且他进门我都会用湿巾擦脚擦pp,结果他们找了个deep clean和carpet clean的公司,花了$500,房子是950sqft,2个卧室和客厅是地毯,两个卫生间和厨房是地砖。我自己新买的房子1500sqft,整个deep clean用了两个人两个小时,花了$150,我问他为什么你们请的保洁这么贵,他说因为他们从early morning干到了late night
还有就是有两个百叶窗,每一个其中的一个扇页不小心被掰断了一小截,但是房东整个全部换掉了,原因是现在买不到同款了,只能整体全换,这个我可以理解,所以我回复他说今天我会去home depot找一找,要是确实out of stock或者停产了,那这个钱我肯定会全部付。
A landlord can deduct from the tenant’s security deposit:
The cost of fixing any damages to the property caused by you (the tenant) or your guests. This does not inclde ordinary wear and tear.
The cost of cleaning the unit when you move out, but only to make the unit as clean as it was when you first moved in (less “reasonable wear and tear”).
Unpaid rent (including rent owed if you do not give the landlord the proper notice that you are moving out).
The landlord can withhold from the security deposit ONLY those amounts that are necessary and reasonable and NOT a result of “ordinary and reasonable wear and tear.” For example, a landlord may not make you pay for painting, new carpets, or curtains unless there were serious damages that were beyond ordinary and reasonable wear and tear. And the landlord cannot use your security deposit to repair problems that existed in the unit before you moved in.
我有move in之前的照片,因为当时只拍了有问题的地方,所以是细节图,有几张是照的墙上的新旧补漆颜色差的照片。
感谢感谢,百叶窗是我们的问题,我会把这个钱交给他,我是和他说,我需要去确认一下他家那款确实断货了,因为他是把整个百叶窗全部换新了,而不是只把坏的那一片换下来。我搬进去之前他的墙就是有新刷的痕迹,应该也是自己在墙上打洞了,自己修补了一下,所以新刷漆的地方能看出来是颜色是深一些的。我是觉得他不应该全屋刷漆要我付80%,要不然就small area paint,我全掏钱,要不他全屋刷漆,我付20%或者最多50%这样。
墙只要你是正常使用,一般都没办法charge到房客身上,就算要touch up也是房东掏钱的,你算是很讲道理了。我有个租客之前也是养狗,搬出去的时候,墙面到处是超级脏那种黑黑的还有油渍,但是因为他住了三年,所以也不能charge他paint钱,而且也算是wear and tear吧,就是个人卫生习惯差了点,后来我自己掏钱重新刷了一下。租房子基本上平均一年房租拿出一个月来维护翻新属于很正常,而且都不太能扣押金的,加州还是很保护租客,到现在基本租客出去最多也都是扣个打扫费还有洗地毯费用
刚刚又给房东发完邮件,我愿意付全部carpet clean的钱,和部分deep clean的钱,房东说卫生间和厨房的水池,还有浴盆有一些water stain,墙面上有一些灰尘和印记,所以deep clean两个人从早上9点干活干到晚上9点...有点儿水渍这不是很正常么...加州水这么硬,何况我也是经常做清洁的人...dryer说因为我的misuse导致后面的管道松动了,所以有好多debris,这个虽然搬进去就这样,但是我也懒得argue,几十块钱我也认了。刚刚发了邮件过去把所有项都列出了我能接受的价格之后,总押金2250,我付完各种钱之后应该退我1151,他给我发邮件说,we are getting closer,how about I give you 1100back,we meet at the halway. If you are not agree on it, just send me a letter of intent. 一副小人得志的嘴脸,我说那就上法庭吧,但是我老婆说她实在不想因为50块钱和这种人渣浪费时间,就给他们写了一份很长的“抒情”邮件没有任何aggressive的言辞那种...就说1100就1100吧,不想浪费时间了...
哈哈哈哈 一定会的!Bless!