4500美元 纽约长岛租房 6卧室5卫浴大House整栋出租 开车3分...

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     开车3分钟到石溪大学The State University of New York at Stony Brook,最适合留学生合租或者有孩子的大家庭居住。 整栋大House别墅,拥有6个卧室5个卫浴,厨房、客厅、前后院、车库和停车道。室内外空间非常宽敞,为疫情期间躲避都市生活,移居郊外的理想住所。 周边生活购物便利。距离大型商超和购物中心不远,Costco,Whole Foods,Target,Home Depot,Walmart,Macy,Trader Joe's与日料中餐馆俱全。 Design by Unewsky .Unauthorized reproduction and reprinting is prohibited. Some pictures and information are from Website. Unauthorized forwarding, copying or distribution is prohibited and may be unlawful.If you are concerned that we may have violated your rights, you may contact us .(ZC)