If you are not happy with your lawyer, you can change your lawyer at anytime. There is no additional cost to you althought it may cause a slight delay in the case because the new lawyer need to find out and pickup from where the previous lawyer left off to make the transition happen. The overall total cost to you is still 33% in lawyer fee plus any medical and court related expenses ONLY after you win the case (there are different types of arrangements, I can explain... But usually 33% in NY). If you lose the case, you just walk away without paying any court related expeneses. That is why the lawyer fee is so high - because if you lose the case, the lawyer will lose everything invested in the case. That is also why you want to choose a reputable firm with the financial backing to invest in all the cases it takes in. When the case goes to court, the result is based on probability so there is no guarantee of outcome. If you hire a small law firm with only 1 lawyer (which operates with smaller capital and limited resources), the firm is more likely to accept unreasonable offers from the insurance company to avoid heavy court related fees such as court appearance for medical experts. For bigger law firms with strong financial backing, they are likely to go after every penny after weighting in all the risks. At the same time, the biggest law firms might not want to spend too much time and effort on average cases. For that reason, I recommend avoiding the smallest firms (and also avoid the huge firms like the ones with 50 lawyers covering all 50 states unless you have a really big case).
In NY, the typical arrangement is 33% in lawyer fee plus any expenses. There is very little room for negotiation unless you have a really good case (high in value). A good case is defined by injury (the severe the better, usually begins with bone fractures). But a good case can develope into a bad case depending on the insurance coverage and proof of liability -- especially true if you are suing in a "fault state" as oppose to a "no-fault state" like NY. Also notice death cases has little value because life itself has no value in the legal system. Most of the values are derived from pain&suffering, lost wages, etc. Good lawyers probably won't give discounts unless you have a good case. If you lose an arm, leg, or permanently disabled in a no-fault state like NY, you definitely should ask for 5% or even 10% discount in lawyer fee especially if you are young and have a good career. You can shop around but shouldn't just take the one with the highest discount. When negotiating with the law firm, make sure the lawyer fee is calculated after deducting the expenses. Say if the settlement is $500,000 and expense is $80,000. The lawyer fee should be 500,000 - 80,000 = 420,000 * 33% where you get 420,000 * 33%.
If you switch lawyers before the first lawyer files "Summon of Complaint", the first lawyer will get nothing. It's like you never signup with the previous lawyer before. If the first lawyer already filed "Summon of Complaint", typically that lawyer will get 1/3 of overall lawyer fee (which is 11%) where the new lawyer gets 2/3 (22%). Sometimes the previous and new lawyer will have special arrangements to make the transition smooth. All you need to know is, you can switch at anytime during the course of the lawsuit and you pay nothing if you don't win the case. If you win do, there will be 33% in lawyer fee paid to the current lawyer (the current lawyer will split the fee with previous lawyer if previous lawyer has done significant work for you). But all of these happen behind the scene and you don't need to worry about it. Also remember the 33% is on top of the court related expenses -- court appearances for medical expert are the most expense, ranging from $5000-$15000 a day.
Btw, did the lawyer said "it's useful or important" that the cop said he believed it's the other car's fault? Whatever the cop said to you at the scene is meaningless UNLESS he wrote it on the policy report. The cop isn't a witness. It might have some weight if he had it on the policy report and it also depends on how it's written. Whatever he said to you personally is irrelevant because he won't be able to remember or testify in court years later.
If you are not feeling well, you should go see a doctor. Sometimes symptoms of severe internal injury won't surface until days later. I assume your lawyer already told you that. In NY, you don't need to worry about medical bills because it's all covered by state no-fault insurance.
Disclaimer: I don't work for a law firm but I work them so I know how they operate. You can message me if you have questions or need recommendation.
nationwide 不是 on your side 的么?!这个广告歌词离谱得太厉害了。罚单会事后才寄出的,我不认为你当时会看到: "It's important to get a copy of the accident report as soon as it becomes available. The time to that is available may be 3-7 days after the auto accident. Get a copy as soon as you can and verify all the information is correct."
谢谢大家的关心和意见!一开始我不担心的,但是我的保险一直告诉我说,不知道对方会怎么说,会不会说谎,所以现在什么都不能判断。但是今天见过律师,律师说当时警察说的那句:I believe it’s his fault. (指对方)律师说这句话很有用。律师说目前来说我的口供和我的车子被撞翻而他的车子没有变方向这也是一个证据。目前我也还不清晰,一步步看吧,谢谢大家!
对了,还有我的bumper 被撞到快掉下来了,不知道这算不算撞到我车尾?
情况是这样的,原本这个大十字路口是一个红绿灯路口,但是由于红绿灯坏了,临时变成stop sign,昨天晚上在路上摆了很多粉红色的灯,我当时停了三秒,确认我是先到的,对面道一辆白色车子和我一起前行,左边的车子没动,右边没有车子。我慢慢地往前开,突然一声巨响,我就闭了眼睛,等到我再睁开的时候,到处都是黑的,我就开了车门,这时候几个警察冲上来问我有没有事(警察原本就在那里的)有没有受伤,我说我没事。然后警察就跑到对方那里去了。
🔥 最新回帖
这楼回的很详细 信息也跟我之前的观点大部分吻合。强烈建议楼主看看当参考。先问你的律师file了summons没,之后都是后话了
是的,如果对方是受力的一方那应该是你带走了对方的前保险杠,而不是被撞得转向,这很明显对方才是施力的一方,而且绝对是stop sign没停车才造成对你的车这么大的力,所以我说事实摆在眼前,对方有可能撒谎但是不可能在发生事故后短时间内撒一个完美的谎,即使真让对方撒出一个完美的谎把锅都全甩你身上,警察和保险公司要是有点物理常识都能根据事故现场判断谁对谁错,已经发生的就是事实,不是一个谎言就能改变(当然排除对方请个大牛律师扭转乾坤[手动狗头])
If you are not happy with your lawyer, you can change your lawyer at anytime. There is no additional cost to you althought it may cause a slight delay in the case because the new lawyer need to find out and pickup from where the previous lawyer left off to make the transition happen. The overall total cost to you is still 33% in lawyer fee plus any medical and court related expenses ONLY after you win the case (there are different types of arrangements, I can explain... But usually 33% in NY). If you lose the case, you just walk away without paying any court related expeneses. That is why the lawyer fee is so high - because if you lose the case, the lawyer will lose everything invested in the case. That is also why you want to choose a reputable firm with the financial backing to invest in all the cases it takes in. When the case goes to court, the result is based on probability so there is no guarantee of outcome. If you hire a small law firm with only 1 lawyer (which operates with smaller capital and limited resources), the firm is more likely to accept unreasonable offers from the insurance company to avoid heavy court related fees such as court appearance for medical experts. For bigger law firms with strong financial backing, they are likely to go after every penny after weighting in all the risks. At the same time, the biggest law firms might not want to spend too much time and effort on average cases. For that reason, I recommend avoiding the smallest firms (and also avoid the huge firms like the ones with 50 lawyers covering all 50 states unless you have a really big case).
In NY, the typical arrangement is 33% in lawyer fee plus any expenses. There is very little room for negotiation unless you have a really good case (high in value). A good case is defined by injury (the severe the better, usually begins with bone fractures). But a good case can develope into a bad case depending on the insurance coverage and proof of liability -- especially true if you are suing in a "fault state" as oppose to a "no-fault state" like NY. Also notice death cases has little value because life itself has no value in the legal system. Most of the values are derived from pain&suffering, lost wages, etc. Good lawyers probably won't give discounts unless you have a good case. If you lose an arm, leg, or permanently disabled in a no-fault state like NY, you definitely should ask for 5% or even 10% discount in lawyer fee especially if you are young and have a good career. You can shop around but shouldn't just take the one with the highest discount. When negotiating with the law firm, make sure the lawyer fee is calculated after deducting the expenses. Say if the settlement is $500,000 and expense is $80,000. The lawyer fee should be 500,000 - 80,000 = 420,000 * 33% where you get 420,000 * 33%.
If you switch lawyers before the first lawyer files "Summon of Complaint", the first lawyer will get nothing. It's like you never signup with the previous lawyer before. If the first lawyer already filed "Summon of Complaint", typically that lawyer will get 1/3 of overall lawyer fee (which is 11%) where the new lawyer gets 2/3 (22%). Sometimes the previous and new lawyer will have special arrangements to make the transition smooth. All you need to know is, you can switch at anytime during the course of the lawsuit and you pay nothing if you don't win the case. If you win do, there will be 33% in lawyer fee paid to the current lawyer (the current lawyer will split the fee with previous lawyer if previous lawyer has done significant work for you). But all of these happen behind the scene and you don't need to worry about it. Also remember the 33% is on top of the court related expenses -- court appearances for medical expert are the most expense, ranging from $5000-$15000 a day.
Btw, did the lawyer said "it's useful or important" that the cop said he believed it's the other car's fault? Whatever the cop said to you at the scene is meaningless UNLESS he wrote it on the policy report. The cop isn't a witness. It might have some weight if he had it on the policy report and it also depends on how it's written. Whatever he said to you personally is irrelevant because he won't be able to remember or testify in court years later.
If you are not feeling well, you should go see a doctor. Sometimes symptoms of severe internal injury won't surface until days later. I assume your lawyer already told you that. In NY, you don't need to worry about medical bills because it's all covered by state no-fault insurance.
I don't work for a law firm but I work them so I know how they operate. You can message me if you have questions or need recommendation.
🛋️ 沙发板凳
在一个被当作stop sign的十字路口可以把你安全气囊撞出来,感觉对方根本没停。最主要是人没事。
After making sure you and any passengers are uninjured, exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver.
我现在真的赔不起了,昨晚其中一个警察说了一句:I believe it’s his fault. 这说的是对方不是我,不知道有没有代表什么
那楼主就真的要睡个好觉啦!不要自导自演车祸赔偿恐怖片搞到自己失眠。明天有空把之前车保的agreement拿出来研究一下,并且跟保险公司保持沟通。祝福楼主,一定没问题的!到最后实在不行搞个GoFundMe! 但我觉得事情会有转机的。
nationwide 不是 on your side 的么?!这个广告歌词离谱得太厉害了。罚单会事后才寄出的,我不认为你当时会看到: "It's important to get a copy of the accident report as soon as it becomes available. The time to that is available may be 3-7 days after the auto accident. Get a copy as soon as you can and verify all the information is correct."
所以律师是保险公司给你找的!那你就要更小心了。如果提供免费咨询,你好好观察一下是不是这个律师一开始就站在保险公司那一边的。立场是怎么样的。做好自己找跟nationwide 没有商业利益关系的律师的准备。没想到明明是简单的索赔会搞得如此复杂。
in-house counsel 都是律师。我觉得楼主明天还是最好带一个有经验的朋友一起去,不应该如此confusing。好好休息,明天就知道下一步的对策了。说不定会有很好的转机。
这我当然知道,又不是第一天开车,对方是stop sign压根没听,如果他有停他不可能以那么的速度撞上我的
下次等左右停了你再开啊!!我stop sign的时候虽然我是先到的 只要我看到左右有车开过来 (很近 或者速度很快的那种)我都会确认对方停下来 我才会走 虽然自己可以做到不违反交通 但是不能保证对方就是个有理智聪明的人
我不知道你当时的情况 只是说下我的感受 而且我觉得车上必须得有行车记录仪 在这时候就先别想着怎么赔偿了 对方不要污蔑他停了才好
一般你那边没stop sign对方有的话肯定是你占理的,尽管是你突然加速他们也是要让你的,印度人都这么臭不要脸的么
那个印度大叔是真的不要脸 说假话气都不喘的
那条路限速只有25 我朋友之前在那儿吃过超速罚单 又是月底 所以我开的特别慢 他有脸说我突然加速 我凭什么突然加速啊这印度人真的没脑子
amazon 也有卖!
你是没碰到过stop sign不停的...
你下次碰个all way开5、60不停的试试,在纽约,stop sign停下来最多也只能看到半个街区的状况
我身边就有stop sign没等别人停就开的 我觉得这样很危险 有时候你觉得别人没你快 就有可能造成事故 反正我看见车开很快是不会开的。就像有时候左转的时候 对面车开很快 有些人不是照样左转了
因为uber用!所以买的是2个配套的$99.95 前面跟车内!然后之前有个旧款的$79.95那个!我把它diy安装在后面!后来拍追尾的!然后我有两部手机!各安装一个app!
一个车装了全方位 哈哈哈 谢谢分享
按照楼主描述那我觉得她真的无法避免 她都开到快一半了横向有车忽然冲出来 横向还有树挡住视线又不是可以一眼看到一千米以外 这种情况在stop sign前后左右再怎么看都看不到啊