Pushing back on bellicose statements from both parties requires credible policy advice from experts, many of whom are based at Washington research institutes. But five of the capital’s most prominent think tanks have been producing policy papers urging closer U.S. ties with Taiwan—a territory locked in an uncertain legal status that threatens to be a flashpoint between Beijing and Washington. These seemingly impartial research institutions are pushing for expanded arms sales and trade agreements with Taiwan without widely disclosing their high-level funding from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taiwan’s equivalent to an embassy.
The five think tanks all disclose their funding from TECRO but bury it deep on their websites or annual reports.
The five think tanks—the Brookings Institution, the Center for American Progress*, the Center for a New American Security, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the Hudson Institute—all disclose their funding from TECRO but bury it deep on their websites or annual reports.
very good find. This is open information and yet nobody cares in US.
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's Master) 的大作中提到: 】 : Pushing back on bellicose statements from both parties requires credible : policy advice from experts, many of whom are based at Washington research : institutes. But five of the capital’s most prominent think tanks have been : producing policy papers urging closer U.S. ties with Taiwan—a territory : locked in an uncertain legal status that threatens to be a flashpoint : between Beijing and Washington. These seemingly impartial research : institutions are pushing for expanded arms sales and trade agreements with : Taiwan without widely disclosing their high-level funding from the Taipei : Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taiwan’s equivalent to : an embassy. : ...................
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's Master) 的大作中提到: 】 : Pushing back on bellicose statements from both parties requires credible : policy advice from experts, many of whom are based at Washington research : institutes. But five of the capital’s most prominent think tanks have been : producing policy papers urging closer U.S. ties with Taiwan—a territory : locked in an uncertain legal status that threatens to be a flashpoint : between Beijing and Washington. These seemingly impartial research : institutions are pushing for expanded arms sales and trade agreements with : Taiwan without widely disclosing their high-level funding from the Taipei : Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taiwan’s equivalent to : an embassy. : ...................
Pushing back on bellicose statements from both parties requires credible
policy advice from experts, many of whom are based at Washington research
institutes. But five of the capital’s most prominent think tanks have been producing policy papers urging closer U.S. ties with Taiwan—a territory
locked in an uncertain legal status that threatens to be a flashpoint
between Beijing and Washington. These seemingly impartial research
institutions are pushing for expanded arms sales and trade agreements with
Taiwan without widely disclosing their high-level funding from the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taiwan’s equivalent to an embassy.
The five think tanks all disclose their funding from TECRO but bury it deep on their websites or annual reports.
The five think tanks—the Brookings Institution, the Center for American
Progress*, the Center for a New American Security, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the Hudson Institute—all disclose their
funding from TECRO but bury it deep on their websites or annual reports.
None of their researchers disclose the potential conflict of interest
between Taiwanese funding and advocating for more security guarantees for
and trade with Taiwan.
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's Master) 的大作中提到: 】
: http://mronline.org/2021/04/24/tanks-and-think-tanks-how-taiwanese-cash-is-funding-the-push-to-war-with-china/
very good find. This is open information and yet nobody cares in US.
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's Master) 的大作中提到: 】
: Pushing back on bellicose statements from both parties requires credible
: policy advice from experts, many of whom are based at Washington research : institutes. But five of the capital’s most prominent think tanks have
: producing policy papers urging closer U.S. ties with Taiwan—a territory
: locked in an uncertain legal status that threatens to be a flashpoint
: between Beijing and Washington. These seemingly impartial research
: institutions are pushing for expanded arms sales and trade agreements with
: Taiwan without widely disclosing their high-level funding from the Taipei : Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taiwan’s equivalent to
: an embassy.
: ...................
【 在 wildThing (东风起兮轰他娘, 安得巨浪兮吞扶桑) 的大作中提到: 】
: very good find. This is open information and yet nobody cares in US.
: been
: to
这点信息要挖还不早挖出来了。 CNN,CBS这些妓者挖这个还不容易。
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's Master) 的大作中提到: 】
: 扯蛋,几个智库都拼命藏着掖着,记者也是费了九牛二虎才挖出来。台巴子雇佣的媒体
: 立马跳出来洗地,说智库也拿了土共和鹅毛的钱,真乃猪队友。LOL
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's 02Master) 的大作中提到: 】
: 扯蛋,几个智库都拼命藏着掖着,记者也是费了九牛二虎才挖出来。台巴子雇佣的媒体
: 立马跳出来洗地,说智库也拿了土共和鹅毛的钱,真乃猪队友。LOL
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's Master) 的大作中提到: 】
: Pushing back on bellicose statements from both parties requires credible
【 在 Manta (hehe) 的大作中提到: 】
: 游说议员,台湾花费多少,也应该查一下。
: 在台海和我鳖干,我帝是万劫不复。
: 应该将台湾说客尽数斩杀。
【 在 wildThing(东风起兮轰他娘, 安得巨浪兮吞扶桑) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这点信息要挖还不早挖出来了。 CNN,CBS这些妓者挖这个还不容易。
【 在 knifer(刀客) 的大作中提到: 】
: 确实,挖中国的东西时候能掘地三尺,挖这些就“费老劲”?
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's Master) 的大作中提到: 】
: 土鳖已经查了,据说400+议员拿了台巴的钱,真他娘的cheap,还没找到原文资料。
这钱不拿白不拿, 因为拿起来太容易了, 美帝议员宁可做飞机不远万里到台湾去拿钱,这动力。 而且拿的时候特硬气, 给钱的反而低三下四。
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's Master) 的大作中提到: 】
: 土鳖已经查了,据说400+议员拿了台巴的钱,真他娘的cheap,还没找到原文资料。
【 在 Manta (hehe) 的大作中提到: 】
: 台湾媒体说过台湾不仅善于炒热灶,还善于炒冷灶。对于已经退下来的议员一样照顾有
: 加。毕竟这些人还是有人脉有影响力。台湾是下了很大本钱的。难怪蔡英文说起当棋手
: ,也是信心满满。
#本帖发自 未名空间阅读器 Android 版。#
【 在 bread22 (bread22) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这才是最有效率的花钱方式,台巴深得民主之味
: #本帖发自 未名空间阅读器 Android 版。#
: #可在设置中取消本签名。#
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's Master) 的大作中提到: 】
: 当年蒋总裁也贿赂美国总统支持丫打内战,最后还是被卖了。
【 在 wildThing(东风起兮轰他娘, 安得巨浪兮吞扶桑) 的大作中提到: 】
<br>: 这是合法贿赂。中共不给这些领1450钱的议员代价,这一切就不会停止。<br>
【 在 idocare (冷秋) 的大作中提到: 】
: 议员不会有什么代价,拿台湾的钱,为台湾说话现在在美帝就是政治正确。
: 除非能把源头断了,或者梧桐了,或者台湾没钱了。
: 现在所谓的蕙台措施,而且毫无附加条件,台湾有的是钱四处煽动反华仇华。
: 这是合法贿赂。中共不给这些领1450钱的议员代价,这一切就不会停止。
【 在 Manta (hehe) 的大作中提到: 】
: 中共惠台,害人害己。SBZG。
【 在 VladPutin (Trump's Master) 的大作中提到: 】
: Pushing back on bellicose statements from both parties requires credible
: policy advice from experts, many of whom are based at Washington research : institutes. But five of the capital’s most prominent think tanks have
: producing policy papers urging closer U.S. ties with Taiwan—a territory
: locked in an uncertain legal status that threatens to be a flashpoint
: between Beijing and Washington. These seemingly impartial research
: institutions are pushing for expanded arms sales and trade agreements with
: Taiwan without widely disclosing their high-level funding from the Taipei : Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taiwan’s equivalent to
: an embassy.
: ...................