I agree 100%, Mr. Buchanan, that while China's persecution of Uighurs and other minorities is tragic, it is also none of our responsibility. I also agree that President Biden—much like his 4 predecessors—would be wise not to wear his heart on his sleeve.
Be that as it may, Taiwan's unique status in world affairs very much concerns America. While the People's Liberation Army Navy is somewhat minuscule by world-power standards, if it's allowed access to the Pacific Ocean, then anything goes!
Make no mistake: Taiwan always was; is now; and always will be part of China. Although every reasonable man can understand—even advocate—her desire for freedom, democracy, and secular humanism, she must retain the hope ( however faint and distant) of one day reuniting with the mainland. Any call for Taiwanese independence constitutes a non sequitur.
That said, the first island chain—along with South Korea—forms a sword and shield separating the chaos of Eurasia from our western flank. Right now, Chinese submarines in the shallow waters of the East and South China Seas can be easily spotted by our military satellites. But if, Heaven forbid, Beijing took control of Taiwan, and managed to launch a "Red November" into the open ocean of the South Pacific, then all bets would be off!
Methinks that we must both turn a blind eye to China's domestic issues, as well as fortify Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Phillipines so as to preserve a "wall of freedom." And we ought to quell any dangerous "independence" rhetoric from the Taiwanese also.
IMHO, Collision is inevitable for quite some time to come. Root cause is that most Americans cannot accept China rising to a superpower. This is rooted in Americans are convinced as no. 1 and their despise of China.
If other nations educate their children on their systems being best are brain wash, US education system telling children on US democratic system is "the best" is no different to them. This will be pierced only long after another nation rises above US.
Ironically, this has happened in China about 180 years ago. Around time of the 1839 Opium War, Chinese believed that they have "best system" of the world (Confucian) , they are center of the world, ... Only after been defeated several times by West, some had started looking Western seriously. Initially, they only thought to learn Western technologies but still held to their Confucian. Only after several additional crashing defeats, they totally denounce Confucian. Today, most Chinese only treat Confucian as culture heritage than preach to go back to that system. You can read history to find out Chinese' anger, frustration, .... as they fell from what they thought they were no. 1 .
Because most Americans generally despise China, even if China seeks peace, US won't give it as what we know as peace.
This doesn't mean US and China will go to war soon. Both have nuclear weapons able to reach the other easily. Even in long power struggle, there are up and downs. Calm comes while both are tired and need a break.
All of this is simply a gigantic, shameless distraction from what is going on in our own countries.
Our own governments have locked us in our houses, they’ve collapsed our economies, they’ve brazenly stolen an election, they’re injecting children with puberty blockers to turn them into mutant trannies, they’re allowing tens of thousands to die on the street from drug overdoses, they are incentivizing divorce, they’re aborting millions of babies, they’re flooding us with low IQ people – NONE OF THAT IS BEING DONE BY THE CHINESE.
While the People's Liberation Army Navy is somewhat minuscule by world-power standards, if it's allowed access to the Pacific Ocean, then anything goes!
【 在 bj2 (蘑菇头) 的大作中提到: 】 : US And China: Collision Or Cooperation? : If there is a great war between China and the United States, it will likely : be because of some damn fool thing in the Taiwan Strait. : http://www.theamericanconservative.com/buchanan/us-and-china-collision-or-cooperation/ : I agree 100%, Mr. Buchanan, that while China's persecution of Uighurs and : other minorities is tragic, it is also none of our responsibility. I also : agree that President Biden—much like his 4 predecessors—would be wise not : to wear his heart on his sleeve. : Be that as it may, Taiwan's unique status in world affairs very much : concerns America. While the People's Liberation Army Navy is somewhat : ...................
US And China: Collision Or Cooperation?
If there is a great war between China and the United States, it will likely be because of some damn fool thing in the Taiwan Strait.
I agree 100%, Mr. Buchanan, that while China's persecution of Uighurs and
other minorities is tragic, it is also none of our responsibility. I also
agree that President Biden—much like his 4 predecessors—would be wise not to wear his heart on his sleeve.
Be that as it may, Taiwan's unique status in world affairs very much
concerns America. While the People's Liberation Army Navy is somewhat
minuscule by world-power standards, if it's allowed access to the Pacific
Ocean, then anything goes!
Make no mistake: Taiwan always was; is now; and always will be part of China. Although every reasonable man can understand—even advocate—her desire
for freedom, democracy, and secular humanism, she must retain the hope (
however faint and distant) of one day reuniting with the mainland. Any call for Taiwanese independence constitutes a non sequitur.
That said, the first island chain—along with South Korea—forms a sword and shield separating the chaos of Eurasia from our western flank. Right now,
Chinese submarines in the shallow waters of the East and South China Seas
can be easily spotted by our military satellites. But if, Heaven forbid,
Beijing took control of Taiwan, and managed to launch a "Red November" into the open ocean of the South Pacific, then all bets would be off!
Methinks that we must both turn a blind eye
to China's domestic issues, as well as fortify Japan, South Korea, Taiwan,
and the Phillipines so as to preserve a "wall of freedom." And we ought to
quell any dangerous "independence" rhetoric from the Taiwanese also.
IMHO, Collision is inevitable for quite some time to come. Root cause is
that most Americans cannot accept China rising to a superpower. This is
rooted in Americans are convinced as no. 1 and their despise of China.
If other nations educate their children on their systems being best are
brain wash, US education system telling children on US democratic system is "the best" is no different to them. This will be pierced only long after
another nation rises above US.
Ironically, this has happened in China about 180 years ago. Around time of
the 1839 Opium War, Chinese believed that they have "best system" of the
world (Confucian) , they are center of the world, ... Only after been
defeated several times by West, some had started looking Western seriously. Initially, they only thought to learn Western technologies but still held to their Confucian. Only after several additional crashing defeats, they
totally denounce Confucian. Today, most Chinese only treat Confucian as
culture heritage than preach to go back to that system. You can read history to find out Chinese' anger, frustration, .... as they fell from what they
thought they were no. 1 .
Because most Americans generally despise China, even if China seeks peace,
US won't give it as what we know as peace.
This doesn't mean US and China will go to war soon. Both have nuclear
weapons able to reach the other easily. Even in long power struggle, there
are up and downs. Calm comes while both are tired and need a break.
All of this is simply a gigantic, shameless distraction from what is going
on in our own countries.
Our own governments have locked us in our houses, they’ve collapsed our
economies, they’ve brazenly stolen an election, they’re injecting children with puberty blockers to turn them into mutant trannies, they’re allowing tens of thousands to die on the street from drug overdoses, they are
incentivizing divorce, they’re aborting millions of babies, they’re
flooding us with low IQ people – NONE OF THAT IS BEING DONE BY THE CHINESE.
While the People's Liberation Army Navy is somewhat minuscule by world-power standards, if it's allowed access to the Pacific Ocean, then anything goes!
【 在 bj2 (蘑菇头) 的大作中提到: 】
: US And China: Collision Or Cooperation?
: If there is a great war between China and the United States, it will
: be because of some damn fool thing in the Taiwan Strait.
: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/buchanan/us-and-china-collision-or-cooperation/
: I agree 100%, Mr. Buchanan, that while China's persecution of Uighurs and : other minorities is tragic, it is also none of our responsibility. I also : agree that President Biden—much like his 4 predecessors—would be wise
: to wear his heart on his sleeve.
: Be that as it may, Taiwan's unique status in world affairs very much
: concerns America. While the People's Liberation Army Navy is somewhat
: ...................