1, I never intend to pee in public. I had made efforts to look for a public toilet.
At the time when I was issueed this ticket,I had dragged my 100-pound baggage cart walking down streets for a mile to find the public toilet at the sara roosevelt park. I went there to use the public toilet.
I needed to use that public toilet at the time, but it was not available.
2, City government can reasonably keep that public toilet open at that time. That public toilet was closed at 3: 40pm. But at 4:30 pm on 12/31/2020 when I was issued the ticket, the two park enforcement officers were patroling the park outside the public toilet. The city paid park officers to patrol the park at least one hour after the public toilet was closed.
Why the city has funding for patroling officers, but did not pay a cleaning staff to keep that public toilet open at the same time? Why the officers patroled outside a closed public toilet, but the same city department did not pay one cleaner to keep that public toilet open? Why that public was closed when it could be reasonably open?
3,I was in urgent situation. at the time my bladder was very full and could not hold anymore. And I have prostate problem making me difficult to hold too much urine.
4, I peed under a tree in a public place, but I made efforts to reduce impact to other people. The tree was located far inside an enclosed fenced area where usual people never climb over fence to go in there. At the time there was no other bystander within 20 meter from me.
5, The officers' discription on the ticket is exaggerated. the officer wrote:" I did observe...exposing his genital..." The officers saw me peeing when they were on the other side of the game field, that was about 50 meter from me. I did pee in public, I know this is not appropriate, but I still act with common sense. I kept myself as far as possible from other people, and not facing them.
I had made efforts to stay distance from other people, but officers' discription suggesting I disturbed other people on purpose.
6,I am homeless,and I cannot afford this 50 dollers fine.
7,I have never peed in public since I got this ticket on 12/31/20. I have come up better solutions and I have got better ways to organize myself. Peeing in public becomes history to me, and won't happen again in the future.
This pee ticket occurred under special circumstances. I konw it is not appropriate to pee in public, and I have come up better solutions, and I will not pee in public any time in the future.
I hope the judge can consider the special circumstances behind this ticket, and undetstand my efforts to respect other people and public, and improvements I have made after I received this ticket.
I request the judge to dismiss this ticket, please let me go without financial fines or blaming. I respect other people and society,and I deserve some reasonale pardon and respect.
"I request the judge to dismiss this ticket, please let me go without financial fines or blaming. I respect other people and society,and I deserve some reasonale pardon and respect."
Not very good. Need to rewrite it.
-- don't use 'request', use 'I respectfully ask'
You can argue that this is your first offense. You really regret your action. Ask judge to give you second chance. Don't say you deserve pardon and respect, instead, say you deserve a second chance.
谁能应付的了? 我估计美国本地的本科在校大学生,学习成绩不好的都应付不了。
1, I never intend to pee in public. I had made efforts to look for a public toilet.
At the time when I was issueed this ticket,I had dragged my 100-pound
baggage cart walking down streets for a mile to find the public toilet at
the sara roosevelt park. I went there to use the public toilet.
I needed to use that public toilet at the time, but it was not available.
2, City government can reasonably keep that public toilet open at that time. That public toilet was closed at 3: 40pm. But at 4:30 pm on 12/31/2020 when I was issued the ticket, the two park enforcement officers were patroling
the park outside the public toilet. The city paid park officers to patrol
the park at least one hour after the public toilet was closed.
Why the city has funding for patroling officers, but did not pay a cleaning staff to keep that public toilet open at the same time? Why the officers
patroled outside a closed public toilet, but the same city department did
not pay one cleaner to keep that public toilet open? Why that public was
closed when it could be reasonably open?
3,I was in urgent situation. at the time my bladder was very full and could not hold anymore. And I have prostate problem making me difficult to hold
too much urine.
4, I peed under a tree in a public place, but I made efforts to reduce
impact to other people. The tree was located far inside an enclosed fenced
area where usual people never climb over fence to go in there. At the time
there was no other bystander within 20 meter from me.
5, The officers' discription on the ticket is exaggerated. the officer
wrote:" I did observe...exposing his genital..." The officers saw me peeing when they were on the other side of the game field, that was about 50 meter from me. I did pee in public, I know this is not appropriate, but I still
act with common sense. I kept myself as far as possible from other people,
and not facing them.
I had made efforts to stay distance from other people, but officers'
discription suggesting I disturbed other people on purpose.
6,I am homeless,and I cannot afford this 50 dollers fine.
7,I have never peed in public since I got this ticket on 12/31/20. I have
come up better solutions and I have got better ways to organize myself.
Peeing in public becomes history to me, and won't happen again in the future.
This pee ticket occurred under special circumstances. I konw it is not
appropriate to pee in public, and I have come up better solutions, and I
will not pee in public any time in the future.
I hope the judge can consider the special circumstances behind this ticket, and undetstand my efforts to respect other people and public, and
improvements I have made after I received this ticket.
I request the judge to dismiss this ticket, please let me go without
financial fines or blaming. I respect other people and society,and I
deserve some reasonale pardon and respect.
【 在 kg30 () 的大作中提到: 】
: 有理有据,不卑不亢,秒杀混滋傻
【 在 furoci (伊千枝) 的大作中提到: 】
: 有理有据个鸡巴
: 佬糗明显没上过法庭,这样写很难赢,因为佬糗的申诉信上实际上承认了自己撒尿了。
: 更要命的是,佬糗写这么多,妈的法官一天要处理上百个case,每个case上最多停留
: 秒,绝对不会仔细看的,法官一看你写这么多就心烦,立马拒绝。
: 佬糗应该这样写:
: 我没有pee,我在倒一瓶水,officer以为我在pee,我说我没有pee他也不信,officer说
: 我可以申诉,所以我申诉了。
: 这样写才会赢,简短扼要,而且你没有pee,是officer误解了你,反正法官也不会问
: officer,问了人也忘了。
: 哈哈哈哈
A typo: dollars not dollers.
"I request the judge to dismiss this ticket, please let me go without
financial fines or blaming. I respect other people and society,and I
deserve some reasonale pardon and respect."
Not very good. Need to rewrite it.
-- don't use 'request', use 'I respectfully ask'
You can argue that this is your first offense. You really regret your action. Ask judge to give you second chance. Don't say you deserve pardon and
respect, instead, say you deserve a second chance.
Good luck.
洗洗睡吧,有个鸡巴body cam,又不是杀了个人
【 在 kg30 () 的大作中提到: 】
: 尼玛这是教唆perjury,条子拿出bodycam,罪加一等
没有bodycam也有厕所外的surveillance cam(公厕外是qjws案多发地)
【 在 furoci (伊千枝) 的大作中提到: 】
: 洗洗睡吧,有个鸡巴body cam,又不是杀了个人
【 在 kg30 () 的大作中提到: 】
: 没有bodycam也有厕所外的surveillance cam(公厕外是qjws案多发地)
Dr. Qiu
【 在 furoci (伊千枝) 的大作中提到: 】
: 吃饱了撑的的去调录像,又不是杀了个人,我他妈停在警察camera下面的车被撞了去警
: 察局要看录像都拒绝,美国政府没有人愿意多花自己哪怕一秒钟时间去帮别人办这种毫
: 无好处的事情。
【 在 bybybaby (er) 的大作中提到: 】
: 忘了落款
: Sincerely,
: Dr. Qiu