为父母理解 华二代推“BLM指南” 意外引发回响



【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: No need to attack anyone's Englsih. We pretty much are all non-native
: English speakers here. For us here, English is not the goal, it is simply a
: tool to communicate. As long as we understand each other, written in
: English or Chinese, it is good enough. If my or his writing in English is
: so bad that you cannot understand, just ignore the post and skip to the


【 在 rihai (海桑虎桑柱桑等倭杂之克星) 的大作中提到: 】
: 姜波这个黄陂包衣Chinese virus,
: 和王五,舔姿,BCQ是一个类型的, 并称四大Chinese viruses
: 它们共同特点就是主业是反华, 次业是反川逼
: 当二者有矛盾的时候, 次业算个铞, 只要能反华,
: 让这些逼去舔川逼的屁眼,它们都高兴得很
: lol
: 好听
: 不守
: 了自
: 不能


No, my hard-earned tax money means the money to the social programs or
benefits, which all Democrats use to get their votes. It has nothing to do with Obama's vacations.
Flattered to hear that I still look young. I am 90% sure that I am older
than you. I believe I am older than 90+% of the people here on this board.

【 在 wuyueliuhuo (wuyueliuhuo) 的大作中提到: 】
: Haha, "your hard-earned tax" money. Did you fall for the Chinese media's
: attack of Obama's home vacations in Hawaii? That surely costed much, much : less than Trump's golf trips, even after deducting the money he "donated",
: before adding the money he threw to his seedlings and loyalists. Even
: pledged his loyalty by staying at Trump hotel with a detour.
: Looks like you are still young. Please remember your vote is always your
: choice, regardless if you vote in person or through mail.
: .
: for
: choices.


Look at my ID picture, I watched him playing when I was in undergraduate.
If you did not watched him playing before your own graduate school, you are younger than me.

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: No, my hard-earned tax money means the money to the social programs or
: benefits, which all Democrats use to get their votes. It has nothing to
: with Obama's vacations.
: Flattered to hear that I still look young. I am 90% sure that I am older : than you. I believe I am older than 90+% of the people here on this board.
: Pence


【 在 majia123456 (@ @) 的大作中提到: 】
: "从这2个姐妹写的,文笔清楚,数据引用花了不少功夫。华一代在微信网上写的都是啥
: 啊,口号似的,数据引用都没有,简直是惨不忍睹。"
: 那是因为别人都不屑于多花时间在这种猪头主张上。比如说, 你撒撒千言论证狗屎可吃
: 有营养, 别人肯定不会也撒撒千言来反驳。最多一句:不嫌臭吗?
: 我大学非理科,但数学课不少,算是当时大陆最西方的大学学科。当时和现在阅
: 读量巨
: 大,算是左右方都看问题。
: 不过写上面,肯定不如二代。二代从初中高中就写,老师总让他们从正方反方写
: 文章,
: 两边观点都熟悉。
: ...................