Sir, I have read your every word in these pages for years. Unlike some of yourbrothers, you have evolved. You have become a true independent, able to see and judge each thing, or person, on its merits. I completely agree with this. I knew from the beginning that Joe Biden was the only person capable of leading us ALL out of the Trump morass. He isbeing judged way too harshly, especially by those who acquiesced to the Trump Circus. History will be very kind to President Biden. Much like FDR. Thank you, and again I’m extending a personal invitation to join the Democratic Party. It’s never too late, until it IS.
2. 你妈的 牛屎自己的poll 都说jb爷不行了 网评员没看吗?
Such a difficult environment/time to be the leader of America. From the COVID-19 pandemic, to gerrymandering, to the main opposition being controlled by the GOP and leadership of the Trump Republicans. Difficult to say the least. Given the circumstances most of the population should be thankful that Joe Biden is President.
There is one point in which I disagree with Mr Brooks and that is ending theAfghan war,
I think the US had a very successful exit. I dare anybody to give me examples of a better end.
I mean World War II ended due to an Atomic Bomb and D-Day - how many good people died durind those events? They were tragic yet successful in ending ahorrific war. Wars by definition are tragic and unpredictable.
The Biden administration got over 150000 people in less than 3 weeks (in cooperation with other countries) and he did it with less than 5000 troops. They were superb!
Yes, the Taliban was left in charge but did anyone really expected any otheroutcome ? Trump knew that a year earlier so much so that he had invited them to Camp David (even thou he canceled later ) .
So stop trying to blame Pres Biden where no other outcome was possible…
4. 舔的太赤裸裸了 不及格 哈哈
Credit where credit is due. I have never admired Brooks' history or opinions, but this essay is right on.
Credit where credit is due. Biden is everything we could hope for at this time, and will be judged in the future to have been better for the country than his critics, both on the right and left. That is, of course if there issomeone left to write an objective history. Biden's critics could prevent that from happening. Careful, everyone.
5. 真的没有看自己左派的poll吗 这角度也太奇特了
This column makes me feel that maybe there is a silent majority or maybe a silent large minority of Republicans who believe in reality and who are willing to give credit to someone not of their team. But the polls say otherwise. The country Brooks describes has a lot of voters wanting to destroy it, and openly declaring that the purpose of voting for trump is to hurt others and blow up the establishment. But Republicans destroy labor power and help us ruin the planet. Biden is trying to fix the establishment.I’m not sure he can, with antiquated Democrats like Manchin and not enough progressives in congress. Many of us feel that Biden is our last chance. After Biden, and even after this year of his term, the planet will burn and the country will fall into even more inequality, since the Republicans are the party of the rich, the party of oil, coal, and gas.
6. 就这几招啊 我原来非常反jb爷 现在jb爷太牛逼了 这个网评员彻底服了 哈哈
I was very anti Biden originally, but as I’ve seen him make big moves my confidence in him has increased.
The withdrawal from Afghanistan is actually what changed my mind about Biden. I really don’t care that the exit was messy. The war was much messier andvery costly to the US. Withdrawing was a difficult call, and one that the media doesn’t seem to appreciate, but it was the right decision for America.
The press focussed on the drama of the withdrawal, but only after ignoring 20 years of war that killed a quarter million people.
【 在 CoolTeeth (小石头) 的大作中提到: 】
: 娃幼儿园的楼前边有另外一栋楼,天天飘着新冠测试和疫苗的旗子,之前停车场一直没
: 啥人,2周前突然很多车子开始排长队,停车场外边的路两边都是等候的车,把娃幼儿
: 园那个路口都给堵了,后来有人出来维持秩序疏导交通。我好奇这是打疫苗还是做测试
: 于是专门下车去问了一辆车的人被告知是做新冠测试。我偷偷看了一圈其它车里的人没
: 看到谁有明显症状,有些人在车里戴着口罩有些没戴,所以大部分应该不是因为生病去
: 确诊的。我估摸着是很多人因为雇主的原因不想打疫苗选择做测试了。
我再单独问你一下。你听/看Washington post吗?人们问的问题越来越好了,今天我听了一会:
【 在 DreamTiger (祝你平安) 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在社区传播多,密接一般自己会去查一下,我自己就去过,有朋友一个娃新冠,全家
: 都去查的。
【 在 zhaojing36 (赵景龙) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我再单独问你一下。你听/看Washington post吗?人们问的问题越来越好了,今天我听
: 了一会:
: 一个人说fda几个月前approve了这个苗,为啥现在给的还是eua的?
: 另一个人说他和他太太过去两年都是该干啥干啥,没有得Covid.前不久他们打了苗,他
: 太太走了。他不知道该说啥。
: 还有一个人说他没打,他女朋友打了,然后他女朋友全家都得了。
【 在 CoolTeeth (小石头) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我一直不懂,如果连症状都没有或者很轻查出来是阳性的意义是啥?尤其是这测试对无
: 症状的非常不准。真严重的跑去做测试难道不是去公共场合散播病毒吗?我跟我老公就
: 没查,自己在家呆了2周。我想着如果症状严重到得去医院了医院自然会做测试,否则
: 知道是阳性又如何?又不会给你治疗也就是让你自己回家蹲2周隔离。
前几天读了一篇NY Times的马屁文章 后面的网评简直和中国的网评员一模一样的。
1. 老美的网评员真是牛逼 jb爷堪比FDR 和中国的某个主席堪比唐宗宋祖是不是一样?
I have read your every word in these pages for years. Unlike some of yourbrothers, you have evolved. You have become a true independent, able to see
and judge each thing, or person, on its merits.
I completely agree with this. I knew from the beginning that Joe Biden
was the only person capable of leading us ALL out of the Trump morass. He isbeing judged way too harshly, especially by those who acquiesced to the
Trump Circus.
History will be very kind to President Biden. Much like FDR.
Thank you, and again I’m extending a personal invitation to join
the Democratic Party. It’s never too late, until it IS.
2. 你妈的 牛屎自己的poll 都说jb爷不行了 网评员没看吗?
Such a difficult environment/time to be the leader of America. From the
COVID-19 pandemic, to gerrymandering, to the main opposition being
controlled by the GOP and leadership of the Trump Republicans. Difficult to
say the least. Given the circumstances most of the population should be
thankful that Joe Biden is President.
3。连阿富汗撤军都能舔 都你妈待了20年了 把人和设备都撤完了再走不行吗?哈哈 网评员太牛逼了 怎么都能舔
Great article!
There is one point in which I disagree with Mr Brooks and that is ending theAfghan war,
I think the US had a very successful exit. I dare anybody to give me
examples of a better end.
I mean World War II ended due to an Atomic Bomb and D-Day - how many good
people died durind those events? They were tragic yet successful in ending ahorrific war. Wars by definition are tragic and unpredictable.
The Biden administration got over 150000 people in less than 3 weeks (in
cooperation with other countries) and he did it with less than 5000 troops. They were superb!
Yes, the Taliban was left in charge but did anyone really expected any otheroutcome ? Trump knew that a year earlier so much so that he had invited
them to Camp David (even thou he canceled later ) .
So stop trying to blame Pres Biden where no other outcome was possible…
4. 舔的太赤裸裸了 不及格 哈哈
Credit where credit is due. I have never admired Brooks' history or opinions, but this essay is right on.
Credit where credit is due. Biden is everything we could hope for at this
time, and will be judged in the future to have been better for the country
than his critics, both on the right and left. That is, of course if there issomeone left to write an objective history. Biden's critics could prevent
that from happening. Careful, everyone.
5. 真的没有看自己左派的poll吗 这角度也太奇特了
This column makes me feel that maybe there is a silent majority or maybe a
silent large minority of Republicans who believe in reality and who are
willing to give credit to someone not of their team. But the polls say
otherwise. The country Brooks describes has a lot of voters wanting to
destroy it, and openly declaring that the purpose of voting for trump is to
hurt others and blow up the establishment. But Republicans destroy labor
power and help us ruin the planet. Biden is trying to fix the establishment.I’m not sure he can, with antiquated Democrats like Manchin and not enough
progressives in congress. Many of us feel that Biden is our last chance.
After Biden, and even after this year of his term, the planet will burn and
the country will fall into even more inequality, since the Republicans are
the party of the rich, the party of oil, coal, and gas.
6. 就这几招啊 我原来非常反jb爷 现在jb爷太牛逼了 这个网评员彻底服了 哈哈
I was very anti Biden originally, but as I’ve seen him make big moves my
confidence in him has increased.
The withdrawal from Afghanistan is actually what changed my mind about Biden. I really don’t care that the exit was messy. The war was much messier andvery costly to the US. Withdrawing was a difficult call, and one that the
media doesn’t seem to appreciate, but it was the right decision for America.
The press focussed on the drama of the withdrawal, but only after ignoring
20 years of war that killed a quarter million people.
“正确的戴上医用或者N95口罩,保持社交距离” 你觉得有多少人会戴着N95或者医用
【 在 DreamTiger (祝你平安) 的大作中提到: 】
: 所有人都是从没有症状开始的。只是有些人一直没有症状,有些人转了重症。新冠如果
: 在早期发现,危害相对很小。像你们家,有了症状,居家两周,没转重症,那是身体好
: ,运气好。也有很多人是居家转重然后入院甚至死亡的。
: 你们家是有了症状,然后自动居家隔离两周,你的潜意识已经在监控自己的状况,提防
: 着进一步恶化的可能。但也不是每个密借者都愿意或者有条件居家隔离两周的。测一下
: ,不是阳性,安心回家过日子,阳性,跟家人隔离,保护家人,密切监控健康情况,不
: 是挺好么?
: 至于跑去测试就是传播病毒,只要正确的戴上医用或者N95口罩,保持社交距离,感染
: 他人或者被感染几率还是很小的,否则那些检测站的工作人员早跑光了。
【 在 CoolTeeth (小石头) 的大作中提到: 】
: “正确的戴上医用或者N95口罩,保持社交距离” 你觉得有多少人会戴着N95或者医用
: 口罩去做测试?还有,没症状的话测试准确度非常低,并且今天测了是阴性明天说不定
: 就阳了,反之亦然,除非你连着每天测测到有症状为或者连着测2周whichever comes
: first,否则你做一次测试有多大用处?
: 早期发现你能做什么?症状不够严重你医院大门儿都进不了,你也不会去吃马药,所以
: 呢你早发现能做啥?
【 在 DreamTiger (祝你平安) 的大作中提到: 】
: 要是排队的话,很多人会戴口罩。要是开车的话,很多人不戴口罩。如果不注意,那是
: 个人问题,不是测试的问题。不能因为个人的不当行为来认定测试是错误的。
: 至于无症状漏筛当然有,但本来阳性率就低,在这种情况下,真阳性比假阴性更重要,
: 漏了也不是什么大不了的事情,又不是要清零。你说的问题是前提知道是无症状感染者
: ,才会纠结。本来密接是无症状感染者的可能性就低,测试又是假阴性的可能也低,那
: 么小概率的事情,撞上了就撞上了,操那么多心干嘛。我就测了一次,阴性后这事情就
: 过去了,可没你想得那么多。
: 如果我阳性,自然会跟家人隔离,更加注意休息,吃吃莲花胶囊,测测血糖浓度啊,不
: 去医院最好了。你信马药,我信莲花胶囊,各得其所。但我估计你居家隔离的时候连马
: 药都没吃吧。
这个我听着还行 主持人不错 会challenger医生
【 在 CoolTeeth(小石头) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我一般不专门看和听左棍媒体的报道,因为不想影响我的心情
【 在 CoolTeeth (小石头) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我一直不懂,如果连症状都没有或者很轻查出来是阳性的意义是啥?尤其是这测试对无
: 症状的非常不准。真严重的跑去做测试难道不是去公共场合散播病毒吗?我跟我老公就
: 没查,自己在家呆了2周。我想着如果症状严重到得去医院了医院自然会做测试,否则
: 知道是阳性又如何?又不会给你治疗也就是让你自己回家蹲2周隔离。
这个就是问题所在,没有症状为什么要去测? 支持的人说,测到了就在家隔离,防止把病毒传染给别人。可是现在这样多的人打疫苗,疫苗不是有保护作用吗? 为什么还担心传染给别人?
疫苗又不防止传染,也不防止发生症状,还有人会重症死掉,为什么还要推行强制疫苗。现在的问题,就是没有治疗的手段, 出现症状,就是在家隔离等死,单抗不是每个
地方都有,伊维菌素又被全面封杀, 只会叫人打疫苗。疫苗打了又没用,只是制造恐
好让政府控制人民。过去流感季节,有症状的在家休息,有药医症状, 没有症状,还
【 在 zhaojing36 (赵景龙) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个我听着还行 主持人不错 会challenger医生
: 而且我发现打电话进来的人问的问题都越来越好了
: : 我一般不专门看和听左棍媒体的报道,因为不想影响我的心情
【 在 CoolTeeth (小石头) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我说的是不是重症的话(尤其是无症状)测试没啥意义,没说测试是错的。
: 你也看到了平时很多美国人戴的都是布口罩,真有病毒的话这玩意儿能有用?
: 就算是普通感冒或者流感你也应该密切关注自己的身体状况注意跟家人隔离啊,很多人
: 得流感和感冒也会引发肺炎的。
: 你如何知道无症状的测试假阴概率低?有数据支持吗?我这几天每天都有观察等着做测
: 试的车里那些人,我没看到几个有明显症状的。
: 对呀,我们没吃马药,因为我只备了HCQ,而且我跟我老公也没到需要吃HCQ的程度。: 新冠非重症的占了99.9%,我家只是那99.9%的运气好的大军中的一员,运气那真是太好
: 了,
: 呵呵