Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States Postal Service, claimed that a trailer he was driving, one full of potentially upwards of 288,000 ballots, disappeared from its parked location at a Lancaster, Pa. USPS depot after Morgan dropped it off there. Morgan had transported those ballots from Bethpage, N.Y.
对了,推特怎么还没给贴标签?you know, xxxx election fraud is disputed. 不贴 我还不敢确认。
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】 : 一拖车的选票,从NY开到PA,就这样莫名其妙的不见了,连拖车都不见了。 : USPS high level is also implicated. 这戏越来越好看了。 : Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States : Postal Service, claimed that a trailer he was driving, one full of : potentially upwards of 288,000 ballots, disappeared from its parked location : at a Lancaster, Pa. USPS depot after Morgan dropped it off there. Morgan : had transported those ballots from Bethpage, N.Y. :
you have reading comprehension problem or what? all i want to see is further investigation, seems like you feel the same way?
【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】 : How do you know those ballots will favor Trump or Biden? How did that guy : know it is lost? Did he file a report at that time?
还有,这些都是mail-in ballots, 从传统蓝州来的,里面大部分岂不是拜登的票子? 这个driver 是川黑吧? 【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】 : 一拖车的选票,从NY开到PA,就这样莫名其妙的不见了,连拖车都不见了。 : USPS high level is also implicated. 这戏越来越好看了。 : Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States : Postal Service, claimed that a trailer he was driving, one full of : potentially upwards of 288,000 ballots, disappeared from its parked location : at a Lancaster, Pa. USPS depot after Morgan dropped it off there. Morgan : had transported those ballots from Bethpage, N.Y. :
You don't know inquiry is one of the components of reading comprehension?
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】 : you have reading comprehension problem or what? : all i want to see is further investigation, seems like you feel the same way?
Since you read the original article from which you excerpted the info, how did I step on your tail by simply asking you some inquiry questions? If you don't know, just say you don't know or you did not see them in the original article. How difficult is it? You don't have to immediately put yourself in a defense position, and that only shuts the door for communication. I was not attacking you.
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】 : you have reading comprehension problem or what? : all i want to see is further investigation, seems like you feel the same way?
USPS high level is also implicated. 这戏越来越好看了。
Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States
Postal Service, claimed that a trailer he was driving, one full of
potentially upwards of 288,000 ballots, disappeared from its parked location at a Lancaster, Pa. USPS depot after Morgan dropped it off there. Morgan
had transported those ballots from Bethpage, N.Y.
那个沙漠里的 Monolith 也消失了。
bill barr已经跳出来了,啥都没看到。
【 在 SagitarVW (神车) 的大作中提到: 】
: 赶快找,一拖车选票邮寄的
: 毛腿又要扩大差距了……
对了,推特怎么还没给贴标签?you know, xxxx election fraud is disputed. 不贴
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】
: 一拖车的选票,从NY开到PA,就这样莫名其妙的不见了,连拖车都不见了。
: USPS high level is also implicated. 这戏越来越好看了。
: Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States
: Postal Service, claimed that a trailer he was driving, one full of
: potentially upwards of 288,000 ballots, disappeared from its parked
: at a Lancaster, Pa. USPS depot after Morgan dropped it off there. Morgan : had transported those ballots from Bethpage, N.Y.
【 在 hsh (没有老将小将,只有反共将和舔共将) 的大作中提到: 】
: 从投给川普的7000万人里找个3000做伪证,不要太容易
How do you know those ballots will favor Trump or Biden? How did that guy
know it is lost? Did he file a report at that time?
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】
: 那就马上动手查一下,立个威,看谁以后再敢做伪证。
you have reading comprehension problem or what?
all i want to see is further investigation, seems like you feel the same way?
【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: How do you know those ballots will favor Trump or Biden? How did that guy
: know it is lost? Did he file a report at that time?
这些所谓的听证会,他们的话不需要under oath, 没有任何perjury的可能。所以在法
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】
: 那就马上动手查一下,立个威,看谁以后再敢做伪证。
这都没问题,受宪法保护。但要真拿到法庭上作证就不敢了。在法庭上作伪证,向FBI 说谎都是要进监狱的。就像那个邮局员工,开始也是以为就打打嘴炮,后来FBI找到他
有些川粉说这是FBI威胁证人。其实这很好理解。就像你告诉FBI 你看到了A杀了人,你又看到了B杀了人。FBI 不可能就按你说的去查A,B,C首先FBI 要确信你说的是真的,
至少是good faith. 会告诉你,如果对FBI 撒谎是会进监狱的。那个白川粉原来想的和版上的川粉一样,以为撒个谎就能让FBI 去查他的邮局老板。结果一听要进监狱就吓退了。这就是为什么谣言满天飞,但川巨巨的律师都没拿上法庭,因为他们知道在法庭上哪些是能说的哪些是不能说的。
所以不要觉得是那些律师不尽力. 他们比你们要清楚多了。
【 在 hsh (没有老将小将,只有反共将和舔共将) 的大作中提到: 】
: 从投给川普的7000万人里找个3000做伪证,不要太容易
【 在 mincrane (ocean) 的大作中提到: 】
: 找几千上万个川粉造谣可以。开开听证会,发发推,拼几张照片,找小报发几个新闻,
: 这都没问题,受宪法保护。但要真拿到法庭上作证就不敢了。在法庭上作伪证,向
: 说谎都是要进监狱的。就像那个邮局员工,开始也是以为就打打嘴炮,后来FBI找到他
: ,告诉他对FBI撒谎是要进监狱的,马上就撤了。
: 有些川粉说这是FBI威胁证人。其实这很好理解。就像你告诉FBI 你看到了A杀了人,你
: 又看到了B杀了人。FBI 不可能就按你说的去查A,B,C首先FBI 要确信你说的是真的,
: 至少是good faith. 会告诉你,如果对FBI 撒谎是会进监狱的。那个白川粉原来想的和
: 版上的川粉一样,以为撒个谎就能让FBI 去查他的邮局老板。结果一听要进监狱就吓退
: 了。这就是为什么谣言满天飞,但川巨巨的律师都没拿上法庭,因为他们知道在法庭上
: 哪些是能说的哪些是不能说的。
: ...................
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你说的是那个被邮局员工反录音的那个傻X特工吗?
: interrogating-usps-whistleblower-richard/
【 在 hsh (没有老将小将,只有反共将和舔共将) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个铁证为什么不拿上法庭?
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你知道证词肯定没有在法庭文件里?
i don't know, you claimed it.
【 在 hsh (没有老将小将,只有反共将和舔共将) 的大作中提到: 】
: 在哪个案子里?给个链接
还有,这些都是mail-in ballots, 从传统蓝州来的,里面大部分岂不是拜登的票子?
这个driver 是川黑吧?
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】
: 一拖车的选票,从NY开到PA,就这样莫名其妙的不见了,连拖车都不见了。
: USPS high level is also implicated. 这戏越来越好看了。
: Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States
: Postal Service, claimed that a trailer he was driving, one full of
: potentially upwards of 288,000 ballots, disappeared from its parked
: at a Lancaster, Pa. USPS depot after Morgan dropped it off there. Morgan : had transported those ballots from Bethpage, N.Y.
【 在 alter (ouran) 的大作中提到: 】
: 还有,这些都是mail-in ballots, 从传统蓝州来的,里面大部分岂不是拜登的票子?
: 这个driver 是川黑吧?
: location
【 在 SagitarVW (神车) 的大作中提到: 】
: 赶快找,一拖车选票邮寄的
: 毛腿又要扩大差距了……
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个你说的如果是真的话,很好理解啊。NY不需要那么多BJ的票,但是宾州需要啊。
You don't know inquiry is one of the components of reading comprehension?
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】
: you have reading comprehension problem or what?
: all i want to see is further investigation, seems like you feel the same
Since you read the original article from which you excerpted the info, how
did I step on your tail by simply asking you some inquiry questions? If you don't know, just say you don't know or you did not see them in the original article. How difficult is it? You don't have to immediately put yourself in a defense position, and that only shuts the door for communication. I
was not attacking you.
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】
: you have reading comprehension problem or what?
: all i want to see is further investigation, seems like you feel the same
你这个逻辑是成立的。但是这有28万张真票,全都是纽约地址的真人。现在要拿到宾州,计入宾州的选票系统。我在宾州住了14年,在第四大城市Erie市政府兼职了三年半,多少了解如果要这28万NY票混入计票系统而不留任何痕迹,需要邮局,政府部门大规模参与,两党通力合作且在几轮audit中不留证据。并且最后要在open data里面制造出28万个假的宾州居民或地址。就是说造出一个匹兹堡(第二大城市)人口来,again, 不
【 在 potassium (镇) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个你说的如果是真的话,很好理解啊。NY不需要那么多BJ的票,但是宾州需要啊。