给绿点普及下youtube 2016以后的技术进步

楼主 (未名空间)

In October 2016, PragerU published a petition which said that YouTube (which is owned by Google) had unjustly put 21 of PragerU's videos in YouTube's "
restricted mode" setting, which limits views based on factors such as the
viewer's age. The petition requested that YouTube remove the videos from
restricted mode.[12][13] YouTube responded, saying: "We aim to apply the
same standards to everyone and we don’t censor anyone. Often it’s not the right approach to say that videos with the same topic should get the same
rating. We’ll need to take into consideration what the intent of the video is, what the focus of the video is, what the surrounding metadata of the
video explains."[3]

In October 2017, PragerU filed a federal lawsuit against Google, claiming
that 37 of its videos on YouTube were unfairly demonetized or flagged so
that they could only be viewed with "restricted mode filtering" (which
limits views based on certain characteristics, including the age of the
viewer).[14] PragerU claimed that Google's actions violated the First
Amendment and asserted YouTube was a public forum. In March 2018, the case
was dismissed by U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh, who ruled that because Google was a private company, PragerU had failed to show that it had infringed its free speech rights.[15][16][17] In February 2020, this ruling was upheld by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.[18][19]

In August 2018, PragerU criticized YouTube for adding fact-checks to YouTube videos which cover climate change.[20]

In August 2018, Facebook removed two PragerU videos from its platform, later restoring the videos, saying that they "were mistakenly removed."[1][21]
According to Francesca Tripodi, professor of sociology at James Madison
University, there are plausible non-ideological explanations for Facebook's removal of several of the videos.[22] PragerU contended that Facebook had
engaged in deliberate censorship of their videos.[1][21]
【 在 daemonself (新晋川粉,前mit行为艺术专业博士后导师) 的大作中提到: 】
: In October 2016, PragerU published a petition which said that YouTube (
: is owned by Google) had unjustly put 21 of PragerU's videos in YouTube's "
: restricted mode" setting, which limits views based on factors such as the : viewer's age. The petition requested that YouTube remove the videos from
: restricted mode.[12][13] YouTube responded, saying: "We aim to apply the
: same standards to everyone and we don’t censor anyone. Often it’s not
: right approach to say that videos with the same topic should get the same : rating. We’ll need to take into consideration what the intent of the
: is, what the focus of the video is, what the surrounding metadata of the
: video explains."[3]