
楼主 (未名空间)

WSJ以editorial board名义大敲警钟,Trump你丫再现,Biden就选上了!

President Trump may soon need a new nickname for “Sleepy Joe” Biden. How
does President-elect sound? On present trend that’s exactly what Mr. Biden will be on Nov. 4, as Mr. Trump heads for what could be an historic
repudiation that would take the Republican Senate down with him.

As of now Mr. Trump has no second-term agenda, or even a message beyond four more years of himself. His recent events in Tulsa and Arizona were
dominated by personal grievances. He resorted to his familiar themes from
2016 like reducing immigration and denouncing the press, but he offered
nothing for those who aren’t already persuaded.

Mr. Trump’s advisers have an agenda that would speak to opportunity for
Americans of all races—school choice for K-12, vocational education as an
alternative to college, expanded health-care choice, building on the
opportunity zones in tax reform, and more. The one issue on which voters now give him an edge over Mr. Biden is the economy. An agenda to revive the
economy after the pandemic, and restore the gains for workers of his first
three years, would appeal to millions.

Perhaps Mr. Trump lacks the self-awareness and discipline to make this case. He may be so thrown off by his falling polls that he simply can’t do it.
If that’s true he should understand that he is headed for a defeat that
will reward all of those who schemed against him in 2016. Worse, he will
have let down the 63 million Americans who sent him to the White House by
losing, of all people, to “Sleepy Joe.”






【在 Lawrence444(一粒沙)的大作中提到:】
:WSJ以editorial board名义大敲警钟,Trump你丫再现,Biden就选上了!


poll一点没有都falling, 毛腿去年就领先20点了
【 在 Lawrence444 (一粒沙) 的大作中提到: 】
: WSJ以editorial board名义大敲警钟,Trump你丫再现,Biden就选上了!
: President Trump may soon need a new nickname for “Sleepy Joe” Biden. How
: does President-elect sound? On present trend that’s exactly what Mr.
: will be on Nov. 4, as Mr. Trump heads for what could be an historic
: repudiation that would take the Republican Senate down with him.
: As of now Mr. Trump has no second-term agenda, or even a message beyond
: more years of himself. His recent events in Tulsa and Arizona were
: dominated by personal grievances. He resorted to his familiar themes from : 2016 like reducing immigration and denouncing the press, but he offered
: ...................


这又是let trump be trump和let trump be presidential的经典争论。。。lol
