It is not you that I am worry about. Wonder if 世界日报's editor is on vacation or something. Not sure how these one-sided articles gets published so easily.
【 在 auo (aeiou) 的大作中提到: 】 who knows, I am not here to judge, nor reasoning..
I don't think that's a one side story. It's a common sense of human instant reaction of sympathy to the survivors of a family which lost a member. Regarding the donation, why are there so many people feel unfair about the money she gets from other people? What good does denouncing her and her family bring to these people? Does the Chinese school accuse her to use its name to collect money? Does it help and in what way to these people by putting her family's private information to the web? Do they just want the let the whole Chinese community to know how disgusting she is? Well, what's the point? If you donate some money, and you may feel sad about it if these stories don't seem fair to you.
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】 It is not you that I am worry about. Wonder if 世界日报's editor is on vacation or something. Not sure how these one-sided articles gets published so easily.
If it was not one sided, then this reporter either didn't do any homework or have not done any real research. See some of the discrepancy that LS ( xiaonbc) has pointed out. You may want to go to Waterworld to read some of the discussion. The focus of the discussion is more 挺募 vs. 反募, but this reporter turn it into 挺捐 vs. 反捐. Personally, I don't want to say anything since it is none of my business, but don't like it when mainstream media just takes one side and don't report the facts correctly.
【 在 auo (aeiou) 的大作中提到: 】 I don't think that's a one side story. It's a common sense of human instant reaction of sympathy to the survivors of a family which lost a member. Regarding the donation, why are there so many people feel unfair about the money she gets from other people? What good does denouncing her and her family bring to these people? Does the Chinese school accuse her to use its name to collect money? Does it help and in what way to these people by putting her family's private information to the web? Do they just want the let the whole Chinese community to know how disgusting she is? Well, what's the point? If you donate some money, and you may feel sad about it if these stories don ...................
No interest in going into details of that kind of issues. What for? Even she already has a lot of money, but that can't buy back her husband's life. If she really crossed the line because of money, I think those agencies like the Chinese school will say something, at least.
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】 If it was not one sided, then this reporter either didn't do any homework or have not done any real research. See some of the discrepancy that LS ( xiaonbc) has pointed out. You may want to go to Waterworld to read some of the discussion. The focus of the discussion is more 挺募 vs. 反募, but this reporter turn it into 挺捐 vs. 反捐. Personally, I don't want to say anything since it is none of my business, : but don't like it when mainstream media just takes one side and don't report the facts correctly. instant ...................
Objectivity in Journalism is impossible. you dont like it, you dont have to agree with it.
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】 If it was not one sided, then this reporter either didn't do any homework or have not done any real research. See some of the discrepancy that LS ( xiaonbc) has pointed out. You may want to go to Waterworld to read some of the discussion. The focus of the discussion is more 挺募 vs. 反募, but this reporter turn it into 挺捐 vs. 反捐. Personally, I don't want to say anything since it is none of my business, : but don't like it when mainstream media just takes one side and don't report the facts correctly. instant ...................
【 在 auo (aeiou) 的大作中提到: 】 : I don't think that's a one side story. It's a common sense of human instant : reaction of sympathy to the survivors of a family which lost a member. : Regarding the donation, why are there so many people feel unfair about the : money she gets from other people? What good does denouncing her and her : family bring to these people? Does the Chinese school accuse her to use its : name to collect money? Does it help and in what way to these people by : putting her family's private information to the web? Do they just want the : let the whole Chinese community to know how disgusting she is? Well, what's : the point? : If you donate some money, and you may feel sad about it if these stories don : ...................
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】 : Someone forward you post to the Waterworld. : : Here is a pretty objective response to this report: : 看记者这样对网络论坛稍事概括就可以发文数钱,这行业不错。 : 应该是没有经费,不然作为记者,完全可以去搞点采访,挖掘点材料,把报道做得深透 : 一些。 : 再说,目前依然針鋒相對的不只是「挺捐派」和「反捐派」,更多的是【挺募派】和【 : 反募派】。刚还看帖子,某反募派在劝挺捐派/亲友团大捐特捐来着。募捐,募和捐, : 拆开来的话。对可能上当受骗的捐者,质疑者,哀其不睁,闭着眼,心被感动,脑被蒙 : 蔽。对自己捐并以自己的行动倡议别人随捐的,质疑者,问其何凭,凭什么相信自己的 : ...................
This article is all subjective. Everything is opinion.
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】 : Someone forward you post to the Waterworld. : : Here is a pretty objective response to this report: : 看记者这样对网络论坛稍事概括就可以发文数钱,这行业不错。 : 应该是没有经费,不然作为记者,完全可以去搞点采访,挖掘点材料,把报道做得深透 : 一些。 : 再说,目前依然針鋒相對的不只是「挺捐派」和「反捐派」,更多的是【挺募派】和【 : 反募派】。刚还看帖子,某反募派在劝挺捐派/亲友团大捐特捐来着。募捐,募和捐, : 拆开来的话。对可能上当受骗的捐者,质疑者,哀其不睁,闭着眼,心被感动,脑被蒙 : 蔽。对自己捐并以自己的行动倡议别人随捐的,质疑者,问其何凭,凭什么相信自己的 : ...................
This person's response was more objective or at least have done more homework than that so call "news report", but then again you can say that is just my opinion.
【 在 auo (aeiou) 的大作中提到: 】 : This article is all subjective. Everything is opinion.
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】 : ? : This person's response was more objective or at least have done more : homework than that so call "news report", but then again you can say that is : just my opinion.
【 在 auo (aeiou) 的大作中提到: 】 : 第一句开头就是主观性,内容全部都是主观。 : “应该是没有经费,不然作为记者,完全可以去搞点采访,挖掘点材料,把报道做得深 : 透一些。" : 什么叫应该不应该? -- The news article you posted was suppose to be "news" not an editorial opinion, no? So, is it too much to ask for a reporter to do some real research?
: “除了,挺,反,还有不少或感性,或理性的中间派。争议中有深度的法理探究等等都 : 被记者华丽的忽略了似的。” : 读了新闻之后的感想, Opinions. -- please read the article you have posted again, was there any mention of this in the article?
As a paid subscriber of World Journal, I thought they have higher standards on news reporting, but I guess I am wrong.
You can definitely write/e-mail to the world journal editor and express your concerns. Let them know what you think.
A lot of Chinese doesn't like NYTimes, CNN, either. It's about where these news agencies stand. I think World Journal is on the right side.
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】 : not an editorial opinion, no? So, is it too much to ask for a reporter to : do some real research? : again, was there any mention of this in the article? : As a paid subscriber of World Journal, I thought they have higher standards : on news reporting, but I guess I am wrong. :
今年3月,在某華人論壇上,署名lily kang的網友發帖「求祝福」,表示先生突然被檢查出胃癌晚期,生命危在旦夕,只求能撐到中國的父母來看他最後一眼,文章引起很多網友同情慰問。幾周後,網友又發帖表示先生已過世,沒等到父母。
Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 接受捐款反遭人肉搜索
【 在 Vesper8 (天使在人间) 的大作中提到: 】
: 西岸也有世界日报的,康妈这么做真是得不偿失去,可能以后在朋友面前也抬不起头来
: 。
【 在 auo (aeiou) 的大作中提到: 】
: 很多城市都有世界日报。。怎么老是怪别的人做错事情?当你一根手指指别人的时候,
: 最少三根手指是指自己,可是被遮住,看不到。
: 我倒看到了什么是大多数的人的所谓的正确的道德观念,数目确实不少。
【 在 auo (aeiou) 的大作中提到: 】
: 很多城市都有世界日报。。怎么老是怪别的人做错事情?当你一根手指指别人的时候,
: 最少三根手指是指自己,可是被遮住,看不到。
: 我倒看到了什么是大多数的人的所谓的正确的道德观念,数目确实不少。
【 在 Vesper8 (天使在人间) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个一根手指和其它2,3,4根手指的比喻,也用滥了。
【 在 why2013 (生命的意义就在于不停地问) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你指人都是拿一根手指指自己吧。
学校给的po box不是给她用来在全球捐款的。学校根本不知情,不知道她在向社会乞讨,还回国内乞讨。
【 在 auo (aeiou) 的大作中提到: 】
: 谁说的? 和女人不能讲道理。。。LOL。。
: 你说滥了,要说为什么滥了。。。就像骂人,你咒别人死,别人真的会死?
: LOL..
到3月9日,康大妈已经全线推出po box和paypal,同时自己和sdmonringday同时转载到
这个po box,那个中文学校现在证实,不是用来给康大妈进行公开全社会捐款用的,当时只是她自己的邮箱地址,以为只是同事亲友之间的支票信件。中文学校完全不知情。
Wonder if 世界日报's editor is on vacation or something. Not sure how these one-sided articles gets published so easily.
Regarding the donation, why are there so many people feel unfair about the
money she gets from other people? What good does denouncing her and her
family bring to these people? Does the Chinese school accuse her to use its name to collect money? Does it help and in what way to these people by
putting her family's private information to the web? Do they just want the
let the whole Chinese community to know how disgusting she is? Well, what's the point?
If you donate some money, and you may feel sad about it if these stories don't seem fair to you.
xiaonbc) has pointed out.
You may want to go to Waterworld to read some of the discussion. The focus of the discussion is more 挺募 vs. 反募, but this reporter turn it into 挺捐 vs. 反捐.
Personally, I don't want to say anything since it is none of my business,
but don't like it when mainstream media just takes one side and don't report the facts correctly.
the Chinese school will say something, at least.
福建有不下十几中方言, 康不是闽南的怎么会讲闽南话. 闽南话最难学了. 在闽南上学的人很少学会的. 你要黑她也得有证据.
【 在 mrsdonkey (yaya) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不觉得友情和钱有关系
Here is a pretty objective response to this report:
【 在 whalerider (whalerider (under water always)) 的大作中提到: 】
【 在 auo (aeiou) 的大作中提到: 】
: I don't think that's a one side story. It's a common sense of human
: reaction of sympathy to the survivors of a family which lost a member.
: Regarding the donation, why are there so many people feel unfair about the
: money she gets from other people? What good does denouncing her and her
: family bring to these people? Does the Chinese school accuse her to use
: name to collect money? Does it help and in what way to these people by
: putting her family's private information to the web? Do they just want the
: let the whole Chinese community to know how disgusting she is? Well, what's
: the point?
: If you donate some money, and you may feel sad about it if these stories
: ...................
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】
: Someone forward you post to the Waterworld.
: Here is a pretty objective response to this report:
: 看记者这样对网络论坛稍事概括就可以发文数钱,这行业不错。
: 应该是没有经费,不然作为记者,完全可以去搞点采访,挖掘点材料,把报道做得深透
: 一些。
: 再说,目前依然針鋒相對的不只是「挺捐派」和「反捐派」,更多的是【挺募派】和【
: 反募派】。刚还看帖子,某反募派在劝挺捐派/亲友团大捐特捐来着。募捐,募和捐,
: 拆开来的话。对可能上当受骗的捐者,质疑者,哀其不睁,闭着眼,心被感动,脑被蒙
: 蔽。对自己捐并以自己的行动倡议别人随捐的,质疑者,问其何凭,凭什么相信自己的
: ...................
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】
: Someone forward you post to the Waterworld.
: Here is a pretty objective response to this report:
: 看记者这样对网络论坛稍事概括就可以发文数钱,这行业不错。
: 应该是没有经费,不然作为记者,完全可以去搞点采访,挖掘点材料,把报道做得深透
: 一些。
: 再说,目前依然針鋒相對的不只是「挺捐派」和「反捐派」,更多的是【挺募派】和【
: 反募派】。刚还看帖子,某反募派在劝挺捐派/亲友团大捐特捐来着。募捐,募和捐,
: 拆开来的话。对可能上当受骗的捐者,质疑者,哀其不睁,闭着眼,心被感动,脑被蒙
: 蔽。对自己捐并以自己的行动倡议别人随捐的,质疑者,问其何凭,凭什么相信自己的
: ...................
This person's response was more objective or at least have done more
homework than that so call "news report", but then again you can say that is just my opinion.
【 在 auo (aeiou) 的大作中提到: 】
: This article is all subjective. Everything is opinion.
读了新闻之后的感想, Opinions.
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】
: ?
: This person's response was more objective or at least have done more
: homework than that so call "news report", but then again you can say that is
: just my opinion.
: 第一句开头就是主观性,内容全部都是主观。
: “应该是没有经费,不然作为记者,完全可以去搞点采访,挖掘点材料,把报道做得深
: 透一些。"
: 什么叫应该不应该? -- The news article you posted was suppose to be "news" not an editorial opinion, no? So, is it too much to ask for a reporter to do some real research?
: “除了,挺,反,还有不少或感性,或理性的中间派。争议中有深度的法理探究等等都
: 被记者华丽的忽略了似的。”
: 读了新闻之后的感想, Opinions. -- please read the article you have posted again, was there any mention of this in the article?
As a paid subscriber of World Journal, I thought they have higher standards on news reporting, but I guess I am wrong.
A lot of Chinese doesn't like NYTimes, CNN, either. It's about where these
news agencies stand. I think World Journal is on the right side.
【 在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到: 】
: not an editorial opinion, no? So, is it too much to ask for a reporter
: do some real research?
: again, was there any mention of this in the article?
: As a paid subscriber of World Journal, I thought they have higher
: on news reporting, but I guess I am wrong.