
楼主 (未名空间)
现在down time没有训练可以分享,就写一点跑步伤病防治的经验吧。

I. 训练的基本原则。

1) 最重要的是跑步姿势,这点讨论过很多。个人认为forefoot strike和midfoot
strike最佳,heel strike危险系数比较大。关键是落脚轻,paw-back, 保持膝盖一定
2) 10% rules: 每周Mileage增加不超过10%,每周的speed work (interval, tempo,
3)系统训练之前要有base training, high mileage low speed/heart rate. 最好在
base building期间weekly mileage达到甚至超过后期训练的peak mileage.
4) race之后一定要有recovery period, 不一定要停跑但速度一定要慢。
5) 高强度的训练之间间隔两到三天。一般肌肉的inflammation在训练48小时之后达到
顶峰,所以间隔一天一般是不够的,有时还不如back-to-back hard sessions.
6)hard workout/race之后的recovery一定要跑慢,甚至可以比tempo pace慢50%. 在
recovery run的时候push pace没有任何意义。
7) 如果伤的走路都疼,那么第二天要停跑,不管第二天早上起来感觉如何。
8) 如果因伤没能跑recovery run, 那么第二天恢复训练时不能直接上hard workout.
9)有伤时绝对不能在pain killer药效起作用的时候训练。
10)有些伤可以run through, 有些不能,请听下面分解。

II. 常见伤和防治(本人经历为主)

1) shin splints. 小腿内侧,tibia bone和calf之间,用手指按有明显疼痛。轻时在
speed work之后疼,严重时走路也疼。一般来说shin splints是可以run through, 但
严重时也不能硬挺,否则可能有stress fracture的危险。shin splints受速度影响比
shin splints.

2) knee inflammation. 膝盖伤有多种,常是膝关节附近肌肉连接处tendon
治办法是用forefoot strike(尤其是下破时),并加强大腿肌肉力量练习。

3) inflammation of achilles tendon and other tendons below the calfs. 这些一般是forefoot striker的主要问题,目前看来只有靠加强小腿及跟腱力量练习来防止。

4) plantar fasciitis. 脚底板靠近脚跟处疼,尤其早上刚起床时。应对方法只能是休息减速冰敷少跑坡。

5) ITBS. 膝盖外侧刺痛,有时痛感会发生在hip. 严重时必须停跑。ice, stretch IT band, foam roller.

6) runner's knee. 膝盖下方疼痛,本人没有经验,防治方法未知。

7) stress fracture. excruciating pain, 完全不能跑,甚至到不能走路的程度。开
始时跟bruise很象,用手按骨头会很疼。一旦发现stress fracture必须完全停跑,ice, cross train.

8) inflamed tendon on feet. 有时脚面上的tendon会开始疼,一般来说take it easy, 两三天会自动恢复,不是大问题。但也有stress fracture的可能,必须小心观察。

III. 感冒和流感

1) 如果症状只是眼睛痒打喷嚏流鼻涕,可能只是过敏,不必在意。

2)如果喉咙疼,并且是缓慢发展的,那一般就是the common cold. 可以减轻训练强度,一般来说跑步不受影响。

3)如果突然身体感到虚弱,sore throat or fever, 病来如山倒,那就是flu. 一般若有wet cough, chest congestion, 最好停跑。如果症状只发生在脖子以上,则可以继

IV. 伤的轻重程度


rule of thumb: 跑完后才开始疼的一般是轻伤,跑步中开始疼的是中等程度伤,而还

2 楼

1) Chondromalacia patella (髌软骨软化征) is a common cause of kneecap
pain or anterior knee pain. Often called "Runner's Knee," --Allowing the
inflammation of chondromalacia to settle is the first step of treatment.
Avoiding painful activities that irritate the knee for several weeks,
followed by a gradual return to activity is important. In this time, cross-
training activities, such as swimming, can allow an athlete to maintain
their fitness while resting the knee. The next step in treatment is a
physical therapy program that should emphasize strengthening and flexibility of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups. Use of nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory medication is also helpful to minimize the pain associated with chondromalacia.

2)Patellofemoral pain syndrome is pain in the front of the knee (其实主要
在膝盖和股骨交界的地方,如名).The main symptom of patellofemoral pain
syndrome is knee pain, especially when sitting with bent knees, squatting,
jumping, or using the stairs (especially going down stairs).Patellofemoral
pain syndrome can be relieved by avoiding activities that make symptoms
worse. methods to relieve pain include:
Taking nonprescription NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium, to
decrease swelling, stiffness, and pain. Ice and rest.Physical therapy
exercises. Exercises may include stretching to increase flexibility and
decrease tightness around the knee, and straight-leg raises and other
exercises to strengthen the quadriceps muscle.Taping or using a brace to
stabilize the kneecap.

3) Ruptured Tendon:All ruptured tendons, regardless of site, follow
standard RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) home therapy procedure as you seek medical attention. Resting the affected extremity. Apply ice in a
plastic bag wrapped in a towel or with a reusable cold pack wrapped in a
towel. Applying ice directly to skin because may lead to further damage if
left on for a prolonged period of time.Compression of the affected area to
minimize swelling. Apply compression by loosely wrapping the affected area
with an ACE bandage. Be sure that the bandage does not cut off blood flow to the area in question.Elevation of the extremity if possible: Try to keep
the area above the level of your heart to minimize swelling.

Archilles tendon rupture (跟腱): most commonly seen in unfit men who rupture while participating in sports and hear a sudden "pop" like a rifle shot.
Exam shows limited plantar flexion (跖曲,脚板往下)and a +ive Thompson test (squeezing the gastrocnemius (腓肠肌,calf)does not result in foot plantar flexion,一般病人俯卧在床上)。 Tx: with a long-leg cast for 6 weeks or
surgical repair.

4) Osgood-Schlatter disease: Overuse apophysitis (骨突炎) of the tibial
tubercle (胫骨粗隆,小腿上端). Causes localized pain, especially with
quadricepts contraction, in active young boys. Tx: decrease activity for 1-2 years. A neoprene brace provide symptomatic relief.

5) Knee injuries: Present with knee instability and possibility edema and
hematoma. ACL (前十字韧带)。 PCL (后十字韧带)。 Meniscal tears (半月板,一般内侧多见)。Tx: for tears: conservative unless tears are associated with
symptoms or concurrent ligamentous injuries.for ACL injuries: generally
surgical reconstruction with graft from the patellar or hamstring tendons. Operative PCL repairs are reserved fro highly competitive athletes. Bucket-
handle meniscal tears are generally treated arthroscopically. Other tears
are treated conservatively.

sorry, 太专业了。大家挑着看看。