
楼主 (北美微论坛)
本帖最后由 桃子都到碗里来 于 2017-12-8 16:02 编辑

年度回饋聖誕系列——李錦記集粉絲篇 呼朋喚友打醬油,關注越多禮越多!$50預付禮品卡等你拿! 聖誕節準備剁手買買買?但是錢包沒準備好?沒關係!李錦記買單!邀好友關注李錦記官方帳號,领禮品卡買聖誕禮物!
活動參與方式 No.1: 1.關注李錦記官方微信:@李锦记全美味(左下角扫码即可关注) 2.在官方微信後台留言給小編,寫上你邀請關注的好友用戶名 每  @1個好友成功關注,可以領取等值禮品卡, 如:@5個好友成功關注,可以領取價值$5禮品卡!     @10個好友成功關注,可以領取價值$10禮品卡! 活動參與方式 No.2: 1.關注李錦記官方微博:@李锦记美州 2.在活动贴下面@你的亲朋友好友关注李锦记官方账号, 每  @1個好友成功關注,可以領取等值禮品卡, 如:@5個好友成功關注,可以領取價值$5禮品卡!     @10個好友成功關注,可以領取價值$10禮品卡! 活動參與方式 No.3: 在活動帖下面@你的親朋好友關注李錦記官方帳號,每@1個好友成功關注,可以領取等值禮品卡,如:@5個好友成功關注,可以領取價值$5 禮品卡! 總價值$1000禮品卡(每個用戶上限$50)等你來拿,先到先得!快@你的親朋好友,贏禮品卡買聖誕禮物吧! 活動註明:
5、本次活動僅限美國地區用戶參與,有其他條件限制。 活動時間:
Anniversary Christmas Campaign–Sauce Friend Invitation Are you ready for holiday shopping, but your wallet is not? Lee Kum Kee is helping you!
Invite your friends to follow LKK USA’s Facebook page and receive up to a $50 PREPAID GIFT CARD to buy Christmas gifts. The more friends you invite, the more you can earn! How to participate:
@ your friends to follow Lee Kum Kee’s Facebook page under this post. For each friend you invite who follows the LKK USA page, you will receive a gift card. For example:
If you invite five friends who follow LKK USA’s Facebook page via this post, you will receive a $5 prepaid gift card!
A total of $1,000 in gift cards are waiting (up to a $50 per user limit). First come, first served!
Let’s go! Invite your friends and receive a PREPAID GIFT CARD to buy Christmas gifts! Activity Instruction:
1. Lee Kum Kee reserves all rights to make the final decision on gift card dispersion.
2. Gift cards are limited: A total of $1,000 in gift cards (up to a $50 per user limit) is available on a first come, first served basis.
3. Each user is allowed to participate in this activity only once.
4. To prevent fraudulent activities, Lee Kum Kee reserves the right to take further action, as necessary.
5. Other restrictions may apply. For US address only. Duration:
Friday, December 8 @10 am– Monday, December 11 @7 pm