琐男看完之后,有没有一种蛋蛋的忧伤 (转载)

楼主 (未名空间)

【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: newIdRobot (新器人), 信区: Military
标 题: 琐男看完之后,有没有一种蛋蛋的忧伤
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 22 17:13:45 2020, 美东)


I'm an Asian girl and the amount of shit that I've gotten from both Asian
girls and white dudes for saying "I prefer dating Asian guys" is insane. I'm not even saying "I only date Asian guys." I have a preference, but I'm not opposed to any race. Other Asians just happen to have similar values and
experiences that I gravitate towards in a relationship.

Some of my Asian girlfriends get mad at me for being "racist" for "excluding other races" no matter how many times I try to explain. Meanwhile they're
over here telling me how "I don't date Asian men because they're not
masculine enough" or "they have small dicks" and other excuses they tell me to cover up their blatant racism. It's funny because they never date other
races--only white. I always ask them why they are so racist towards their
own race and point out the hypocrisy of telling me to include all races when they exclude Asian men in their dating pool solely based on unbased, racist claims.

A white man told me to "breakup with my Asian boyfriend" because he can "
give me a better time" and that my "boyfriend can't satisfy me since he has a small dick." Like seriously wtf. I'm trying to mind my own business and
spend time with my boyfriend and you have the nerve to come up to us and say that to our faces? You cannot believe the amount of times I am approached
in public by white men indoctrinated by the whole "Asian women are
submissive creatures" belief. I could use all of the digits on my hands and feet to count them, but even then, it wouldn't be enough. They think it's ok to come up to me and call me an "oriental princess" or "miss Saigon". Some even proceed to try to touch me. They get shocked when I yell at them to "
fuck off" because that's "not supposed to happen." I'm supposed to be "their cute little Asian girl."

I understand that not all Asian women and white men are like this. It's just prevalent enough that it's a problem. The systemic emasculation of Asian
men and fetishization of Asian women needs to stop. Similarily the trope of the "white saviour" needs to stop. You may think that it doesn't matter, but coming from first hand experience I was almost assaulted IN PUBLIC for
rejecting one of these advances. Multiple times.The girls in my country are being sold away to sexpats who believe in the "Asian girls in the third
world are easy" trope.
I am not your "dragon lady" or "oriental princess." Don't call me a "gook"
or "chink" because I refuse to fit into your version of what an Asian is.
Don't you dare call my men "ladies" or claim that they have "baby dicks." I am more than just the stereotype of my race. To other Asian women, refuse to tolerate this bullshit. To Asian men, the same.