4.在Tribute Gift Information 处勾选 Recipient State/Province:Sichuan Recipient ZIP/Postal Code:623000 Recipient Country: China Message Body:注明Donate for Sichuan China Only之类
However, there is a problem with your instructions. I think that when the donor checks " Yes, this is an honor or memorial gift" this does not allow them to choose which need their money will go toward. The purpose of the memorial/honor gift is to give someone a present. For example, if today was your birthday and I asked you what you wanted for a birthday present. You might say "I don't want any presents, so if you want to spend money please donate it to the American Red Cross." So to do that I would fill out the form online and fill in your name, mailing address, etc. for the information. Then you would get a letter in the mail saying that Eileen donated money to the red cross in your honor. People also do this when someone dies. They ask that rather than sending flowers or gifts people donate to a charity in memory of the person that died. Make sense?
The website says that if you want your donation to go towards a specific disaster or effort, you have to make your donation by phone or by mail.
If you want people to donate specifically for the earthquake, you should ask that they call "1-800-HELP NOW or mailing your donation, with the designation, to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, D.C. 20013." This info is at the top of the page (from the link you sent).
【 在 dozenrose (不长胖了,没劲) 的大作中提到: 】 : 贴一下同事的信,原贴可能有点错了的地方: : However, there is a problem with your instructions. I think that when the : donor checks " Yes, this is an honor or memorial gift" this does not allow : them to choose which need their money will go toward. The purpose of the : memorial/honor gift is to give someone a present. For example, if today was : your birthday and I asked you what you wanted for a birthday present. You : might say "I don't want any presents, so if you want to spend money please : donate it to the American Red Cross." So to do that I would fill out the : form online and fill in your name, mailing address, etc. for the information . Then you would get a letter in the mail saying that Eileen donated money to the red cross in your honor. People also do this when someone dies. They ask that rather than sending flowers or gifts people donate to a charity in memory of the person that died. Make sense?
The website says that if you want your donation to go towards a specific disaster or effort, you have to make your donation by phone or by mail.
If you want people to donate specifically for the earthquake, you should askthat they call "1-800-HELP NOW or mailing your donation, with the designation, to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, D.C. 20013." This info is at the top of the page (from the link you sent).
应该可以的,这是我通过美国红十字会捐款后收到的信,上面写了是in response to the earthquake that devastated China on May 12, 2008.
Thank you for your generous gift to the American Red Cross in response to the earthquake that devastated China on May 12, 2008. Your gift makes it possible for the Red Cross to provide comfort and hope to disaster victims across the affected region, helping to meet critical needs such as for shelter, food, relief supplies and other emergency assistance.
4.在Tribute Gift Information 处勾选
Recipient State/Province:Sichuan
Recipient ZIP/Postal Code:623000
Recipient Country: China
Message Body:注明Donate for Sichuan China Only之类
【 在 carbohydrate (碳水化合物) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: 可以向美国红十字会捐款,注明是四川地震
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 12 23:55:07 2008)
: 刚才新闻里面有提到,等明天新闻网络站更新了,我把视频贴上来
: 不过刚才我去http://redcross.org实地测试了一下
: 1.打开首页,点左侧
: http://www.redcross.org/cda/images/donat.gif
: 2.选第一项
: http://american.redcross.org/images/content/pagebuilder/13053.gif
: 3.然后点右下
: https://american.redcross.org/images/content/pagebuilder/12606.gif
: 4.在Tribute Gift Information 处勾选
: Recipient State/Province:Sichuan
: Recipient ZIP/Postal Code:623000
: Recipient Country: China
: Message Body:注明Donate for Sichuan China Only之类
: 可以使用四大信用卡支付.
: https://american.redcross.org/images/visa_small.gif
: https://american.redcross.org/images/discovercard_sm.gif
: https://american.redcross.org/images/amex_small.gif
: https://american.redcross.org/images/mastercd_small.gif
: --
他们的 CEO 年薪几百万美元 。。。
mitbbs or chinese red cross...
of coures, it will make a sweet deal if someone can match the $$$.
【 在 daj (肥猪 love yin) 的大作中提到: 】
: 千万不要!!!
: 美国红十字说不定更黑
: 你捐50,也许只有5快到四川
: 他们的 CEO 年薪几百万美元 。。。
如果你希望得到税务优惠或者公司match donation,可以走硅谷清华联网
【 在 lkenlken (土鸡) 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国红十字会收取很高的管理费用,应该是在10%以上,有可能到20%或者更多。
: 我这个消息来自于旧金山湾区和美国红十字会打过交道的非营利组织。我并
: 不能确认这个数据。
: 如果你不介意税务优惠,比如说你的捐款额度就几十或者一两百,我建议你
: 走站长建立的paypal捐款账户。
: 如果你希望得到税务优惠或者公司match donation,可以走硅谷清华联网
: 牵头的2008四川地震海外华人募捐会:
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Donation/27176182.html
: http://tsinghuafoundation.org/earthquake08/index.html
: 硅谷清华联网内容正在更新中,估计在加州时间凌晨4点前会更新,
: 大家都在连夜募集中。
However, there is a problem with your instructions. I think that when the
donor checks " Yes, this is an honor or memorial gift" this does not allow
them to choose which need their money will go toward. The purpose of the
memorial/honor gift is to give someone a present. For example, if today was your birthday and I asked you what you wanted for a birthday present. You
might say "I don't want any presents, so if you want to spend money please
donate it to the American Red Cross." So to do that I would fill out the
form online and fill in your name, mailing address, etc. for the information. Then you would get a letter in the mail saying that Eileen donated money
to the red cross in your honor. People also do this when someone dies. They ask that rather than sending flowers or gifts people donate to a charity in memory of the person that died. Make sense?
The website says that if you want your donation to go towards a specific
disaster or effort, you have to make your donation by phone or by mail.
If you want people to donate specifically for the earthquake, you should ask that they call "1-800-HELP NOW or mailing your donation, with the
designation, to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, D.C.
20013." This info is at the top of the page (from the link you sent).
【 在 carbohydrate (碳水化合物) 的大作中提到: 】
: re
【 在 dozenrose (不长胖了,没劲) 的大作中提到: 】
: 贴一下同事的信,原贴可能有点错了的地方:
: However, there is a problem with your instructions. I think that when the : donor checks " Yes, this is an honor or memorial gift" this does not allow
: them to choose which need their money will go toward. The purpose of the
: memorial/honor gift is to give someone a present. For example, if today
: your birthday and I asked you what you wanted for a birthday present. You : might say "I don't want any presents, so if you want to spend money please
: donate it to the American Red Cross." So to do that I would fill out the
: form online and fill in your name, mailing address, etc. for the
. Then you would get a letter in the mail saying that Eileen donated money
to the red cross in your honor. People also do this when someone dies. They ask that rather than sending flowers or gifts people donate to a charity in memory of the person that died. Make sense?
The website says that if you want your donation to go towards a specific
disaster or effort, you have to make your donation by phone or by mail.
If you want people to donate specifically for the earthquake, you should askthat they call "1-800-HELP NOW or mailing your donation, with the
designation, to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, D.C.
20013." This info is at the top of the page (from the link you sent).
the earthquake that devastated China on May 12, 2008.
Thank you for your generous gift to the American Red Cross in response to
the earthquake that devastated China on May 12, 2008. Your gift makes it
possible for the Red Cross to provide comfort and hope to disaster victims
across the affected region, helping to meet critical needs such as for
shelter, food, relief supplies and other emergency assistance.