Saw the title on home page, I will be happy to share my experience. My son has severe food allergy since two month old. At six month old he was confirmed to be allergic to 12 types of food. He is ten now, and is allergic to 3 types of food. I can almost call myself an expert.
First of all, skin rashes are only symptoms of allergies. While you try to get her skin better, you should first focus on finding out the exact cause of her allergies and avoid them.
Experts believe food allergies are overeaction of the immune system. In younger children (under six), the best solution is to avoid the offending food until the immune system forget that it needs to react to the food (the so-called outgrow allergies). You should visit an experienced pediatric allergist who can run a thorough test to find out the allergens.
The experience of the doctor makes a huge difference in your treatment plan. We visited about 6 local allergists until we went to John Hopkins and visited Dr. Robert Wood. He is the head of pediatric immunology and is considered one of the top expert in the country. With his help, my son's allergy was well controlled. He outgrew milk allergy at six, and is now low allergic to peanut (used to be life-threatening for him).
For allergic kids, the skin rash (called eczema) may still persist even after you rule out all the allergens, and is most tough behind the knees and around the elbows. They are very itchy. Most skin creams contain steroid, which means overtime your child will develop resistence. Try to bath her less often - this is very important as all shower/bath will dry the skin and make the rash worse. Babies are very clean naturely as long as you wash the diaper area. Aveeno makes an oatmeal bath powder which will help soothing the itchy skin.
Remember, staying away, not even a trace of the offending food, is the key. You must learn to read the ingredient label for EVERY food you baby takes. Dr. Wood consider my son's progress (outgrowing allergies) a rare success. My secret is to be super cautious with everything he eats. It worked.
Good luck! [此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/6 15:20:36编辑过] 是说风疹/荨麻疹也是过敏的一种吗?要当作过敏来治疗?
我女儿4岁多时开始慢性荨麻疹,现在一年多了。。。她基本好了。 但是我不给她乱吃。 我的经验是不要吃甜的东西比如蛋糕。 不要给孩子吃有 preservative or food color . Organic if possible. drink lots of water. 多吃点粗粮 like millet. This disease is very hard to get better, but I think food has lot to do with it. Good Luck!
Saw the title on home page, I will be happy to share my experience. My son has severe food allergy since two month old. At six month old he was confirmed to be allergic to 12 types of food. He is ten now, and is allergic to 3 types of food. I can almost call myself an expert.
First of all, skin rashes are only symptoms of allergies. While you try to get her skin better, you should first focus on finding out the exact cause of her allergies and avoid them.
Experts believe food allergies are overeaction of the immune system. In younger children (under six), the best solution is to avoid the offending food until the immune system forget that it needs to react to the food (the so-called outgrow allergies). You should visit an experienced pediatric allergist who can run a thorough test to find out the allergens.
The experience of the doctor makes a huge difference in your treatment plan. We visited about 6 local allergists until we went to John Hopkins and visited Dr. Robert Wood. He is the head of pediatric immunology and is considered one of the top expert in the country. With his help, my son's allergy was well controlled. He outgrew milk allergy at six, and is now low allergic to peanut (used to be life-threatening for him).
For allergic kids, the skin rash (called eczema) may still persist even after you rule out all the allergens, and is most tough behind the knees and around the elbows. They are very itchy. Most skin creams contain steroid, which means overtime your child will develop resistence. Try to bath her less often - this is very important as all shower/bath will dry the skin and make the rash worse. Babies are very clean naturely as long as you wash the diaper area. Aveeno makes an oatmeal bath powder which will help soothing the itchy skin.
Remember, staying away, not even a trace of the offending food, is the key. You must learn to read the ingredient label for EVERY food you baby takes. Dr. Wood consider my son's progress (outgrowing allergies) a rare success. My secret is to be super cautious with everything he eats. It worked.
Good luck!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/6 15:20:36编辑过]
爱吃芒果,也贪心,有次一口气吃了6个象牙芒,从此断送了我吃芒果的权利,后来不甘心试验了几次,都过敏了,而且我每次过敏连吼咙里面都会有颗颗。 后来高中发现哈蜜瓜也不能吃了,现在吃菠萝,心里怕怕的,每次两三块就打住,ld狠,连香瓜也不让我吃,说觉得长的和哈蜜瓜像。
从6个月我就这样安慰自己的,一直过了6个月还这样,我都快挺不住了。。。。。你不知道,我们是处处小心,生怕触雷。 我一直提心吊胆的过日子。 一次不小心碰了有一点点鸡蛋花的汤,大概就是沾到嘴上一些吧,眼睛立刻肿的跟金鱼一样,整个脖子起那个HIVES, 吓死我了,我妈给我看了6个 月,真的也见识过了,吓的心脏病也快出来了。
bless mm家的宝宝
但是我不给她乱吃。 我的经验是不要吃甜的东西比如蛋糕。
不要给孩子吃有 preservative or food color . Organic if possible.
drink lots of water. 多吃点粗粮 like millet. This disease is very hard to get better,
but I think food has lot to do with it. Good Luck!