--------------------------------------------------------- 我家宝宝三岁,上上周全身rash,很痒很痒,看了两次医生,一次说因为嗓子发炎,给开了antibiotics,用了以后rash没有好转。于是又看了另外一个医生,这次说是可能过敏了, 让我们停了antibiotics。上周6终于rash开始退了。但是上周日就开始发烧,周一去看了医生没有发现任何infection,让吃退烧药,还有补水分。但是一直没有退烧,周三又看另外一个医生,还是没有发现infection,因为我家宝宝体温上升的时候会说自己很累很冷,还说腿疼。所以医生要求我们血检,医生说血检结果显示身体有infection,但是不知道那里。建议我们做ultrasound。 我们很担心,当天晚上去了ER,ER医生看了血检结果觉得看不出infection的迹象。搞的我们很糊涂。不知道怎么回事,但是今天还是去做了ultrasound。因为我家宝宝高烧引起过seizure,我们真的很担心,希望ultrasound结果一切正常,还有宝宝赶快退烧,不要让我的宝宝遭罪了!求大家的bless。还有如果有姐妹们懂医,please give us some suggestions. 谢谢! [此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/15 12:10:26编辑过]
Our little angel is also suffering right now too. Her fever can shoot up to 40 degree in 30 minutes and the ibprophen and tylonal are not effective to bring her fever down at all. It's the 4th day already.
以下是引用get2010在5/13/2011 6:28:00 PM的发言: Our little angel is also suffering right now too. Her fever can shoot up to 40 degree in 30 minutes and the ibprophen and tylonal are not effective to bring her fever down at all. It's the 4th day already.
Our little angel is also suffering right now too. Her fever can shoot up to 40 degree in 30 minutes and the ibprophen and tylonal are not effective to bring her fever down at all. It's the 4th day already.
还有 bless get2010 MM的宝宝还有其他生病的小宝宝,都快快好起来!
我家宝宝三岁,上上周全身rash,很痒很痒,看了两次医生,一次说因为嗓子发炎,给开了antibiotics,用了以后rash没有好转。于是又看了另外一个医生,这次说是可能过敏了, 让我们停了antibiotics。上周6终于rash开始退了。但是上周日就开始发烧,周一去看了医生没有发现任何infection,让吃退烧药,还有补水分。但是一直没有退烧,周三又看另外一个医生,还是没有发现infection,因为我家宝宝体温上升的时候会说自己很累很冷,还说腿疼。所以医生要求我们血检,医生说血检结果显示身体有infection,但是不知道那里。建议我们做ultrasound。 我们很担心,当天晚上去了ER,ER医生看了血检结果觉得看不出infection的迹象。搞的我们很糊涂。不知道怎么回事,但是今天还是去做了ultrasound。因为我家宝宝高烧引起过seizure,我们真的很担心,希望ultrasound结果一切正常,还有宝宝赶快退烧,不要让我的宝宝遭罪了!求大家的bless。还有如果有姐妹们懂医,please give us some suggestions. 谢谢!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/15 12:10:26编辑过]
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Huaren 3.8 - iPhone Lite
Bless us both!
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Huaren 6.88 - iPhone Lite
Take a look at my post if you have time:
bless! beware of Kawasaki disease
Our little angel is also suffering right now too. Her fever can shoot up to 40 degree in 30 minutes and the ibprophen and tylonal are not effective to bring her fever down at all. It's the 4th day already.
Bless us both!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/14 0:22:27编辑过]
我家宝宝发烧6天了,还没有退烧。求大家... big bless
☆ 发自Android 华人阅览器 2.0.2
以下是引用get2010在5/13/2011 6:28:00 PM的发言:
Our little angel is also suffering right now too. Her fever can shoot up to 40 degree in 30 minutes and the ibprophen and tylonal are not effective to bring her fever down at all. It's the 4th day already.
Bless us both!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/15 12:16:02编辑过]